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Happy weekend everyone!

Well, a lot has happened over the last week. I managed to get a few great assets I was needing for some scenes (for both Serenity and LH). Several things I was needing for Episode 3 (LH). I am always looking ahead, especially in this case because episode 2 will continue into episode 3, and of course I want to keep things consistent. There was simply too much content to fit it all into one episode. Episode 2 is already going to be around 1300 to 1400 images and around 3200 lines of code. So, it's a nice long update. Though, some might argue there should be more due to how long it has taken. Yeah, perhaps if I had a team and not real life to deal with too. It takes so long because I want a good, quality story with beautiful scenes. I ended up rewriting some things, and even redoing some renders that I felt were up to standards that I've created for myself. So yeah, there are constant setbacks too. It really isn't that I am a perfectionist (perhaps very close though). But if I notice something and know that I have the ability to make it better, then I'll definitely do that.

I took off from the full-time job yesterday. I have the house to myself this weekend, so I spent the entire day yesterday working on this update. And will be continuing that through Sunday night. I intend to get as much work done as possible this weekend. I don't know if I'll have a beta ready by the last day of March, it's definitely possible but I don't know. So, if you ask me 'when is the next update coming', my best guess would be at least one week, hopefully no more than two weeks. I do really want to get this one done because I'm ready to work on the next Serenity update, plus I can't wait to work on LH episode 3.

For patrons, I'll have more special renders out soon, plus some other stuff for the Fade Crown and Dream Angel tiers. Once this update is out, I'll probably post up a poll and let you guys vote on a character for those. Meanwhile, I want to try and do the first video next month during Serenity C2 ep.3 development (for the 2 high tiers). The video will basically show how I work on a 'set' from start to finish. I'll have to figure out the logistics of doing that since I don't have a mic (need to order one). We'll see how that pans out.

Meanwhile, time to get plugged in this morning and get back to work. I have a huge scene/event to do today with a few minor animations.

Love you all, ...Fire




Long soft tail, oh my.