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Greetings Captains! Another weekend, another devlog :)

Alright, not a lot to say this week, so let's wrap this up quickly so I can get back to work because I have a lot still to do! First, the adjusted tiers and the new Dream Angel tier are all complete now. Just one quick note though... since Patreon is always broken, I could not setup the discord role for Dream Angel tier (I did submit a support ticket, but I'm not holding my breath). If you join that and you're on Discord, just DM me or message me here and I'll get you taken care of. Can't imagine there will be a ton of people pouring into a $50 tier so not a big deal.

The image for this post is of course the Pantherian tower in Base City. Chocomint (from Alorth's Neko Paradise) is in there. I'm sure you can spot her! Before you ask, no she won't be appearing in Last Human. I'm still considering a short scene with her in Serenity though - so we'll see! I need to play NP again and get caught up so that I can find a creative way for her to have a brief visit, plus make sure Alorth is still cool with it.

Anyway, as for Last Human episode 2, its coming guys. I'm very close. I know I say that a lot but remember what I said in a previous post... releases could be 2 to 4 months (this is the 3rd month and we're almost there). So, hang in there. From here on out there will be no more breaks except to sleep and work my full time job. This weekend, I'll be online on Discord but I may be slow to respond since I'm planning to be 'plugged in' all weekend (free from the full time job, yay!). The wife will be gone most of the weekend too so that means lots of quiet time to concentrate 100% on development.

Well, that's all for this one guys. I'm anxious to get back to work and not lose my momentum. By the way, if you're in the Crown or Dream Angel tier, I'm always posting previews and information in that channel on Discord. Just remember to contact me if you join the new $50 tier.

Have a great weekend! Love you all,




Personally I think the night (glow in the dark) Neko from NP would be interesting in LH.