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Hey everyone!

Alright, it's been a long time coming... but it is time that I adjusted the tiers a bit. Plus, I am adding a new one. Not much will change for most of you so don't panic.

We'll start with how releases will go from now on. Very much the same, but rarely will I deviate from that schedule anymore because some people who pay for higher tiers can start to feel like they could have just been in a cheaper tier. I've actually had that mentioned to me in the past. It isn't really a big deal, but from now on we'll stick to a release schedule that hopefully will keep everyone happy.

The new tier: As mentioned above, I am adding a new high tier. I'm adding it because I was asked to, and it will have the same benefits as the Fade Crown tier. The name of it is Dream Angel and will be $50 per month. Some people have said they like to join for a month or so to show big support for a dev, so here it is.

I'll be editing the tiers and adding the new one today. As for the patron-only special CGs, they're going to be done a bit differently, but all patrons will receive some special renders at various times. Higher tiers (Goddess and up) will get a combination of sfw and nsfw CG's. At times, I may hold a poll to determine which character will be the subject of the render. Please note that these special renders are not done on a schedule, but when I am inspired to make them (which is pretty often). So, this little benefit will be random. Some months you may get only 2 while other months you might get 10. Just depends on how busy I am and what's going on.

Now let's talk about tier benefits. I always hated trying to come up with these because I want to be fair to everyone. But at the same time, I have to make sure I'll be able to handle the workload. Due to some of my health issues, I really have to watch my stress levels and keep things simple for me to navigate. So, with that in mind, below will be the benefits and release schedule going forward...

Fade Visitor ($2): 

  • Discord "Fade Patron" role
  • Access to special 'patron-only' SFW CGs
  • Access to new releases 2 days before public

Fade Angel ($5): 

  • Discord "Fade Patron" role
  • Access to special 'patron-only' SFW (and occasional NSFW) CGs
  • Access to new releases 7 days before public

Fade Goddess ($10): 

  • Discord "Fade Goddess" role
  • Access to special 'patron-only' SFW and NSFW CGs
  • Access to new releases 10 days before public

Fade Defender ($15):

  • Discord "Fade Defender" role
  • Access to special 'patron-only' SFW and NSFW CGs
  • Access to new releases 12 days before public

Fade Crown ($25): 

  • Discord "Fade Crown" role and private channel on my discord
  • Access to special 'patron-only' SFW and NSFW CGs
  • Access to "Personal" logs from N2TheFire (Internal development and behind the scenes, personal logs posts)
  • Access to new releases 14 days before public

Dream Angel ($50): 

  • Discord "Dream Angel" role and private channel on my discord
  • Access to special 'patron-only' SFW and NSFW CGs
  • Access to "Personal" logs from N2TheFire (Internal development and behind the scenes, personal logs posts)
  • Access to new releases 14 days before public

The release schedule as listed above is how we will proceed from now on. However, I have no control over leaks to sites like F95 before I've released publicly. So, if you see that situation, just be aware that it wasn't my doing and be careful where you download from. Even though I own my threads on F95, I have no control over the mods adding links to a new release before it is officially released.

Finally, I want to talk about my development periods (time between releases). When I started out, I released every month. But those updates were a LOT smaller and much less detailed than what I'm currently doing. Aside from the big task of creating more images 'per line of dialogue' than most AVN's, there is also a lot more animations and those take a lot of time. Plus, I am still learning how to animate and constantly learning new things about that. Development periods between releases can and will run between 2 and 4 months, depending on what I've chosen to do for that 'episode'. I don't like setting a date and then doing as much content as I can in that time. I like creating a full episode, and it takes how long it takes. This allows me to be more creative and put out what I want you to see (hopefully constantly improving the quality of my content as time goes on).

That's all I needed to say today! It's a lot, bless you for reading it all! I want to thank my current supporters, followers, and everyone else who are still enjoying Serenity and Last Human. We have a long way to go on each story so get ready for a lot more of everything. And remember that final releases of my games will always be public and free for everyone after the beta release period (2 weeks). Paying, aside from supporting me, just gets you the beta before the final release.

Love to all,




I read this then had to check my level, because I forgot.