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This week's devlog is a day early, but that's okay. I have a few things to tell you guys about, then I have to get my ass back to work (for my full-time job).

Alright, real talk... I've ALWAYS pushed hard to get updates out in a timely manner. However, I am seeing now why so many devs tend to take so long with updates. It pretty much never goes the way you plan, especially when you have a full-time job, family, house with a mortgage, etc. I thought that 2 months development time would work out, but it just won't. I always feel like I'm lying to you guys when I say, "if all goes well, it could release on 'this day'!"

Since I don't like feeling like that, and I don't want to get into a habit of saying something will happen at a certain time and not coming through for you guys, I think development time for updates is always going to be around 3 months. It is true that back when I started, I would have an update at the end of each month. But those updates were a LOT shorter, and I wasn't putting nearly as much work into rendering as I am now. Today, I pain myself over each image, what is in the scene, what is missing, and what would make it look better. So, as a lot of you have already told me to do, I'm sticking to 'quality over time' for these updates. I want to make nice images and give myself plenty of time to make sure the story and dialogue is good.

As for current progress, I haven't touched this update all of this week because I've been pulling overtime at my full-time job. We had to completely redo a network that was using an internet routable IP range. Changing that broke a lot of shit that we had the tedious job of fixing. Everything that had a static IP had to be assigned a new reserved IP in the new subnet. Anyway, for those who don't understand networking - it was a huge pain in the ASS. And we got through that nightmare finally. So, I am still where I was in the last devlog pretty much.

Now I did add an image to this post but patreon is giving me that dumb message saying it might be adult. Eh, okay patreon whatever. The criteria it uses to detect that is useless. 

Well, not much more to tell for now. Today and tomorrow I'll be busy with the job, and over the weekend, I can finally get back to my favorite job - Last Human. Hopefully I can get caught up and at least be on track for a release by the end of the month. I am just over halfway through the total renders needed for this episode, so it will be close.

Love you guys!





Speaking of networking. I'm hoping your job helped out a little by making sure the switches and routers were all preset with the new configurations for those reserved static IP's if not I can understand how frustrating it would be to go from end user to network level in reconfiguration. Keep up the good work though I'm pretty sure we all understand that work gets away from us and it's not your fault. Life is like that. Thanks for the update.


Yes, quality over time. If you are a lot happier with your product, then others will too. I thank you for your efforts and do look forward to seeing more. Also, RL is very important and can be quite stressful and possibly effect you in other ways. Thank you for the update and hope you well.


actually, we use Meraki's which we can manage remotely. The tedious crap was having to go there in person to physically reset some printers that were just stubborn, then update printer ports on everyone's computer. Gahhh! Anyway, glad that crap is over and now they're using a proper subnet.


Awesome. Remote configuration is a pretty nice setup. Printers always seem to be problem children on networks. But it's good to hear it's all resolved.


I suspect Patreon auto checker is thinking the Cup she is holding is really her breasts showing through a hole in her top. P.S. fixing network's can be a nightmare


When the hell did they set that network up? 1995?! Who does network configs like that anymore?


We all only hope that one day you make enough off patreon or steam if you go that route, to make game dev a fulltime job. I also understand the network pain. I used to do IT and had to wire manage server rooms rat nets. But why do you need to take the whole network down. Just because nothing in labels we should know what goes where.


You're very close. It was that way since 1996 and just never got reorganized. Thankfully, it is on the right track now. Before that, they had the old 'token' network with all the coax. We pulled tons of old coax out of there some years back.


It would be a dream job, doing what I love. However, that can also backfire since there are already stories of devs losing all their money from paypal and other nightmares I've heard because we're doing adult themed content. Out of most of these adult vn's, mine is probably one of the more 'vanilla' as far as sex goes. No major violence, drugs, or death. But still... it isn't something I would feel comfortable enough to actually retire early from my normal job and depend on.


Paypal is anti adult content, you have to use other sources. Even I can't have my paypal connected to the paytreon for the adult content. It's funny because my bank is fine with it.


Damn! We were pulling coax Token Ring OUT of the college network back in '96! I had a really fun time getting this one professor's AAUI-only MacPlus onto the new 10BaseT network via a string of adapters. I wanna say it was AAUI-Coax-10BaseT, because he already had the coax adapter installed.


quality over time' works for me and do not stress to much. Family and RL job comes first and foremost you alsp need to take care of yourself and not get burned out, most us know this and appreciate what you do for us as you show your creativity.