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Good evening my friends!

Here we are, Last Human Episode 2 is ready for beta. I am releasing tonight for Fade Crown and Dream Angel tiers. Following is the release schedule:

Thursday, 6th April 2023 - Fade Crown ($25) & Dream Angel ($50)

Saturday, 8th April 2023 - Fade Defender ($15)

Monday, 10th April 2023 - Fade Goddess ($10)

Thursday, 13th April 2023 - Fade Angel ($5)

Tuesday, 18th April 2023 - Fade Visitor ($2)

Thursday, 20th April 2023 - Public Release (free)

Important Release Notes: I have added a feature that will allow you to change the name for "pet" (term of endearment). You will need to start a new game so that you can enter that. Otherwise, it will show up in dialog as the variable: [pet]

I apologize for that inconvenience. Just start a new game, enter your chosen names, then you can tab through the first episode.

Release post: Last Human (Episode 2) Release - Beta 




Thank you! I can't wait for monday. Is this beta version the complete version ?


not sure what you're asking... it completely adds episode 2 to the game. Last Human as a whole won't be completed for at least a year.


I think what they mean is this the completed episode or a test version, since beta is usually just a test version of a game.


Looking forward to this and have been asked about it.


it is definitely a complete version. Beta (in the N2 world anyway) means it may have some spelling errors, or some technical issue that I didn't see during my final play test. It is the same version that will be public (unless there is a major issue requiring me to rebuild the game folder).


please please please be just as good as episode 1 if not better