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Happy Friday everyone!

Today I finally finished writing/coding the first episode of LH. I know, it took a while. But I had a lot of changes to make after re-reading it multiple times. I want this to have a good start. I'm hopeful for the best.

For the next (approximately) 2 months, I'll be working on images. I want to be as transparent during this big project as I can be. It could very well take a bit more than 2 months. I have to create assets that aren't readily available. I have more 3D stuff I want to purchase, download, and get imported also and all these things take time. Then of course there is the rendering itself. I have many custom "maps" I still need to create from scratch for various scenes inside (and outside) of the starship. The only map I have pretty much completed is for the very first scenes in the story.

I mentioned at one time that I'll be using an external software to create scenes in space (with planets, stars, nebula, etc.). There are simply no options in hs2 that look worth a damn. So, I've purchased that and now have the ability to create exactly what I want visually for a space scene. It will still be a lot of work and it will take longer than creating scenes in Serenity (where I pretty much have 'precut' scenes ready to roll). An example of what I mean is: The MC and his crew may run upon strange phenomenon in the middle of space. I want to be able to illustrate what they're seeing. Possibly even animate it. This software provides me the ability to do those things. And from my many tests, it's going to look amazing.

Patrons (all tiers): Keep an eye out for posts coming soon where I'll be sharing images of the girls. Some that you haven't seen yet. So far, you've only seen Alexis, Natalie, and Alaina. There are 3 more that you haven't seen yet. Over the coming month of development, I'll be posting some images for you guys.

Keeping it short and sweet this time. I'll have much more to show and tell over the next month. I'm really excited for Last Human and am so glad to finally be working on it! Talk again soon!



Scott Wulf

Looking forward to it N2! Having enjoy the heck out of Serenity, I have at least a baseline hope for LH! Knowing all this is awesome!


Thank you for letting us know where you are with this. Keep us in the loop and we will walk through fire for you.


seriously cant wait to take a look :) , and thanks for keeping us in the loop


What software are you using to do the space stuff? That sounds fascinating!


Universe Sandbox. It's on Steam. Can use images commercially just have to link back to the developer.

Natasha Art

I really can't wait to subscribe and try it out! Im very interested in this kind of development even if I have no idea how it works lol


Natasha, welcome! You don't have to subscribe to get my games unless you just want to support me. It goes public 2 weeks after release, meaning it is free :) Thank you for stopping by! I'll check out your Patreon also :)