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So, I know it doesn't look like much... but a lot of work went into it. You can also hear the theme music I've chosen. Going into the menu screens will display the girls in the background. More previews to come soon. :) 



Demo of menu for Last Human



Looks pretty decent and reminds me of the Menu Screens from older space games :) One question though: Shouldn't the "warp effect" of the ship flow into the other direction judging from the thrusters positions?


I'll tell you what... I'm going to get a LOT of questions (and probably a ton of criticism) for the way I depict things and tell this story. Personally, I think it is the correct way. I used Star Trek for inspiration on how it should look. https://youtu.be/OosvYKTpn7w?t=120


Looks great, N2. The music adds a sense of anticipation as well, good choice (as usual!). Looking forwards to taking it out for a spin when it "launches" (pun intended). Also, lots and lots of space for the unsung hero of the game, everyone's favorite - Crabby! Hope you are well N2, great work so far.


I think I'll go with you, Fire. The thrusters aren't used for warp speed, I believe that goes through the nacelles (don't quote me on that, though, I'm not a techie on the show). Nice music, BTW.

Scott Wulf

Damn....that looks awesome N2! It does give quite the travel vibe ala Old Trek, and I am looking forward to that! So many goodies to look forward to....


(Puts on Oldskool Trekker engineering uniform) This was never discussed the TOS, but according to the TNG Technical Manual the Warp engines produce the subspace field necessary to fold (warp) the space-time continuum, but the impulse engines are the actual motive force that pushes the starship across the warp. Basically, the warp nacelles produce a shortcut, but the impulse engines actually drive the ship through that shortcut. This means that from the perspective of the vessel's local space-time, it never travels faster than light, and thus never violates Einsteinian causality. The ship merely appears to travel faster than light to an outside observer, due to the subspace warp folding space-time.


Damn Hurley... maybe I should contact you regarding being an advisor? LOL


Well, we'd have to discuss your apparent love of that Abrams abomination ... 😈


LOL In my defense, I only searched youtube for "enterprise warp" and grabbed the first video I saw. I'm a TOS fan, and also TNG. ;)


🖖 Me, too. I also quite like The Animated Series as well. Heresy, I know! I never really understood the hate for it. It had as many good and bad episodes as TOS, and it introduced Niven's Kzinti and Captain Robert April into ST for the first time too. No matter what later folks may say, TAS is canon. Oh, and if you can believe it, I spouted off all that Trekian Technobabble™ above from memory...


Of course we need to take into consideration Blue Shift VS Red Shift in the FTL direction of travel. Moving away should technically be a Red Shift in the frequency of the light wave. But aesthetically, I like the way it looks right now. So free pass from me for aesthetics. As long as you do not have them immune to the vacuum (lack of stuff) of space, almost anything else can be negotiated. I am glad to see at least what I believe is the Main Menu screen. I am eagerly awaiting the release of The Last Human. Knock it out of the park Fire! Edit: It is all about the Defiant! Okay, and the original Enterprise.


Well it got my attention and with number of games I look at all the time, that means it has to be good.