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Well, here we are my friends... The first devlog for Last Human. Let's jump right in...

First thing you should know is that LH is a completely different beast from Serenity. The writing (although similar because it's me writing it) will flow a lot slower. We're not going to get a major sex scene in the first update for sure. Graphics-wise, it will be a lot more challenging because I need to display things that you probably won't see in any other sci-fi based AVN. Although I can "get by" with assets that are out there already, there are a lot of things I really wish I could put in graphically. So, I am actively looking for a modder that will be willing to convert assets to hs2 for me and not make me wait months for it. If you know someone willing to do that, please have them DM me. I'm not looking for free work; I'm looking for quality and will pay for it as long as it isn't too outrageous.

As I said, the pacing will be a bit slower (a lot slower than the first few versions of Serenity were). More focus on character development, and the MC himself also. There won't be any magic jizz or instant romance here either. In my usual fashion though, I'm sticking with the wholesome path. Funny moments, drama, and lots of events and situations. The MC will have power, but he'll also have his limits.

Finally, the answer to a question I've been asked a lot lately... How many girls will there be? Because LH will be quite a bit more complicated than Serenity, I will have no more than 6 main girls. There will be other characters of course, but love interests will be 5 to 6 girls (I currently have 5 planned but considering a final one). There will be NO related characters, so no question of (the word Patreon won't even let me say - it's quite annoying that I can't even say the words I want to say when we're all adults here).

You will be able to give MC a first name. His last name is Trent. Captain Trent has had a rough life up to this point. Dealing with the loss of all life around him, also losing his Father, who prepared him for what he is about to face. But also outliving a near fatal accident at a young age, Trent's body has been modified a bit. No spoilers.

Length of episodes: One big difference between LH and Serenity will be the length of each update. I try to have a new image with each new line of dialogue because when I play an AVN, I hate seeing the same still image for 6 lines of conversation. I mean I accept it can be done here and there depending on the situation, but I've seen top games that do this and that annoys me. I want to see emotions, lips moving, expressions and laughter. For Serenity releases, I generally try to have between 800 and 1000 images per release. Last Human will have between 1200 and 1500 images per release. So, slightly more content per update.

Time between releases: Given what I said above, development for each LH episode will take between 3 and 4 months (I'm thinking). This first release could take 4 months. It just depends on how things go. If I find some help importing assets. If I am happy with the writing and don't have a lot of rewrites. I've gotten a LOT pickier since I started doing this. I've listened to critiques of my writing and graphics, so I am taking more time with both and trying to give it my best.

The idea for LH came from a sci-fi story I had started writing quite a few years back. I altered that story to work as an AVN. Star Trek with Nekos. A Captain with an all-girl crew out exploring the universe and finding interesting situations, dealing with each other, and a blossoming romance between Captain Trent and his subordinates aboard the Aurora. The romance part of LH will take shape over a long period of time, with some lewd content here and there of course. But the main focus will always be the business of running your starship and leading your crew of Nekos. (Nekos never sleep with clothes on. Just thought I would throw that in there. For those other devs out there with Nekos, if they're dressed when sleeping, you're doing it wrong! LOL). Kidding, sort of.

Anyway, after the release of Serenity Chapter 2 (episode 1), I took a couple of weeks to relax and absorb ideas for LH. Listening to new music for the soundtrack. And considering sound effects, so listening to those as well. I am not sure if I will add sound effects, but I am considering it. I am at this time still writing/coding the first episode. I've also been working with software outside of hs2 for scenes in space. And I am very pleased with how that is looking at this point. It will really bring that aspect of the visuals to life. I've been training myself to use this software in preparation for LH development.

Well, this is probably a long enough post. If you're a patron here, or subbing me on SS, look for preview images coming soon for Last Human. I'll be teasing some of those once I finish the writing part. I plan to post stuff for you guys as much as I can, but I'll also post the public devlogs to keep everyone up to date on where I am in development.

Time to get back to work. Thanks for all your support!



Patreon isn't the only one banning (the word that can't be said), other have done it also and then they themselves have the related words listed as tags. This does sound so very interesting.


Great news about LH, N2, really looking forwards to the next devlog and to hear the progress with the Space Neko's....oh, and Space Crabby too! Hope you are well N2, keep up the awesome work! Now, I think I can hear Lena calling me in Serenity, must dash, can't keep a Neko waiting!


yay more neko's


I didn't think I could look forward to anything more than I did Serenity updates........Now I'm REALLY looking forward to what the experience gained from Serenity brings us!!!


Pffft! No pressure! Unless you somehow get WORSE, it's going to be great. :D