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Happy weekend to you all! Time for an update on life here in Serenity!

First of all some PR... I want to welcome and thank all the new patrons who have joined recently, and also my new followers. Love you all! The other day I finally put Serenity up on itch.io and picked up around 15 followers there within a few hours. Not bad! Also, Serenity was streamed live on a new site called goohshi. Please join their Discord! There are some super nice folks over there streaming lewd games daily and nightly. They're a recent start-up, and help keep the AVN community alive by supporting the devs and entertaining players with playthroughs of various games. We need platforms like this to flourish, so join their Discord and check out some streams! I'd like to thank NaughtyJames for helping to spread the word about my little game. That's what is nice about these guys... they don't just support the big devs, but even the smaller ones like me! Join up below...
Goohshi Discord 

Alright, now on to Serenity. First thing I want to talk about is version numbers. From here on out, each update will be a single 'in-game' day (the next update being Day 5). My last release was version .3. I am going to skip .4. The reason is obvious... version .4 - Day 5. I don't like that; it messes with my OCD. So, officially, the next version number will be .5 to match 'Day 5'. Version 1.0 will be Day 10, and so on. I think that in the long run, it should save some confusion.

Now let's talk about how Serenity will be packaged. Currently, I'm just adding days to the same build. But I am already reaching nearly 1gb in file size. I don't want my projects to be difficult for some of you to download. I'm a player myself and understand how painful downloading can be (especially if you don't have a paid mega account like I do now). In order to minimize file sizes, I'll update a single build until it's around 1gb (perhaps a bit over). On the next release after that, it will be in a new build that picks up where the last one left off. For example: it's highly likely that this next update (version .5) will break 1gb. If that is the case, version .6 will be a new build that starts from Day 6. Then that build will add days until it also reaches around 1gb. When I release a new build, all previous releases will remain available for you to download so that new players can get them all and start from the beginning. I hope this is an acceptable process for you guys. I welcome your comments on this!

Serenity lore: Serenity will start to build some lore in version .5. Day 5 is a sort of turning point in my story. It should be noted that I wrote Serenity quite a long time ago and it is a very long and deep story that plays out similar to a tv series (at least, that was my vision for it). As you and your girls fend off different enemies, each new plot will bring something new, or someONE new. In a manner of speaking, you and the girls feed off of sexual energy. Yes, this has been done in a lot of AVN's, but not the way I am writing it. Characters will seem "God-like" but everyone will have their limits and weaknesses. Some plots will be focused on a particular girl. At some point, I want to make it so patrons can vote on which girl the next plot focuses on because after Days 5 and 6, I can mix and match various plots (like various episodes of a series) and still maintain some chronology.

Animations: Yeah, you guys know I've been fighting them. But people want them in there so, I'm doing my best. Realistically, it will be quite a long time before I can have animations that are as good as other devs out there. It took me quite a long time to master posing, joint repair, lighting, camera angles... the list goes on. So I focus on making the best renders/poses I can. I focus on creating beautiful characters with their own personalities. And I focus on a good story. This is why Serenity is very kinetic. In that, there are no branches or paths outside of small ones during the story that I throw in when I can for player preference. I know some players won't like that bit, but this is my first game ever so I wanted to make it easy on myself. Serenity can have a very long run because I have a LOT of content for it. At some point when people tire of it though, I have several projects in line that WILL have branches. Anyway... version .5 will have some animations thankfully. Nothing too crazy, just some simple ones that I tried to make look as sexy as possible. I hope you guys like them!

Release date: LOL... uhh, when it's ready? Haha! I always wanted to say that! Seriously though. I'm setting a goal of releasing in the first week of November, but no later than 11/7 if I can help it. In fact, I'd prefer to have this released no later than the 1st, but we'll see how it goes. I have a shit-TON of renders to do for .5. And as you know, .5 will start off with the ending of .3 (which is still Day 4). I completed Kat's scene last night and I love how it came out!! I can't wait for you all to see it. I hope and pray that most of you will have the sound on because I'm really trying to work in more music that fits the emotions and situation I'm trying to convey. I usually turn off sounds in these things because the music just seems cheesy to me. I'm hoping my fans will like the music where I am putting it in. And I have no plans to add sound effects. To me, they just don't fit in an AVN. Music is one thing (as long as it fits).

Okay, I've written a wall of text again, sorry about that! I'm long-winded but it's because I am passionate about this and excited to keep going. I think I'm finally getting into a nice work flow. I have a few nice renders I've been working on for patrons that I'm hoping to complete here soon. Anyway, back to work! Talk to you guys again soon!


Naughty James

AAWWWWWW, thanks for the shout out N2TheFire


woo looks great N2 and maybe you can do the cut offs at 7 then you can do it week by week hehe


I actually thought about that as well. Then I could label each "build" as "Week 1", "Week 2", etc.. Just depends on how big the file will be at 7 days. I want to have at least 300 renders per in-game day. So, that means quite a few more renders than a lot of other AVN's out there.


true but a week gets a nice finish to it we shall take the bigger download hehe