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Hello to you, my friends!

Well, tomorrow is Monday (for some of you it may already be Monday) which means back to work for a lot of us! I figured this would be a good time to post up the latest on the Day 5 update that is coming up next.

(SPOILER AHEAD!! Skip this paragraph if you want to avoid it!!!)
Day 4 ended with you just about to get it on with Kat. I realize a lot of you didn't like that and I'm sorry for doing that to you! But, time was running away from me and between the delays in getting the new PC setup and getting further into the month, I wanted to get that update out ASAP. Doing it this way gave me time to get the new PC setup and get all of my files transferred... and also gave me more time to get the scene right (I hope!). 

Anyway... most already know version .3 was leaked today, so I went ahead and made the patron post public. I'll be a good sport and just move on. Yeah, we know you did it and we see you... took advantage of my cheap tier and my kindness to allow that tier access early. No biggie, it had been a week already and I was actually considering letting it go public early anyway. So, no harm no foul for now. No sense fighting it. 

Version .4 (Day 5): So, moving on... I spent a few days keeping my distance from Serenity. But last night I started working seriously on learning some simple animations (baby steps) and I like what I've accomplished so far. Going to take me a few releases I think to have animations as good as the likes of Zanith and others out there. It's thanks to him actually that I know what I do know so far. It's a challenge learning to do more complicated things in AI from people who only use HS, but it crosses over just enough to get me going in the right direction. It seems I am one of the few devs out there actually running an AI project currently.

Anyway... I haven't really accomplished much other than completing a 3 second animation and making it loop in-game (until the player clicks the screen). I think for now, that will do for my first animations. There are a few more I need to do for this release, and hopefully will have many more as Serenity grows and becomes what I envision for it. The first half of this week I hope to complete the scene (the one that started just as the last update ends). The .4 update will pick up right where .3 left off, technically still in Day 4. Once that first scene is done, shouldn't take me long to script in the rest of what I had planned to Day 5 and hopefully have this update out in time before the 1st of next month. Literally giving myself about 2 weeks here which isn't much time when you consider that this isn't my full time job.

I've received some very nice feedback from many of you. Some on my Discord and some in private DM messages. I've also been asked if I ever plan to do this full time... quit my real job. LOL, well, not anytime soon. I'd have to have quite a lot more patrons and I'd have to hold on to that for at least 6 months to a year before I'd even entertain that idea. With that said, I'm still giving this project all the time I can outside of work. Anyway I appreciate the kind words and support. I also want to welcome and thank the new patrons coming on; I appreciate your support!



very nice n2 looking forward to it hope we can play it on our tablet on our holiday hihi