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Hey everyone! The latest release for this month, Drakkisan Wyrmspawn - Flight of Dragons, is now available for download! Ordinarily, this post would be a Battlecry voting poll to determine the order of upcoming releases, but things are going to be a bit different this time.

The Yak has got plans for the next couple releases and they require a bit more specific order for, so there will not be a vote this batch. And in fact I will be keeping a few of the concepts under wraps for the time being, so instead I will simply provide this preview of the September Battle Pack:

Hecklefang Hyenard

Theme Elements: Hyena beastfolk, classic gnolls, scrappy warriors and raiders, hyena mutants, bone-shaman, decay sorcery, tar elementals

The rugged land of Rakai is known and feared by civilized nations as a realm of beasts. Ancient life-shaping magics blighted the land long ago, raising up many beast-folk races, savage and cunning. Few more so than the hyenard, crafty and barbaric scavengers that range the arid plains and hot sands of their home. Pre-eminent amongst the hyenard packs are the Hecklefang, dreaded for their hulking well-fed warriors and their shaman's mastery over dark sorceries of death and decay. Lairing amidst sprawling tar pits and bone-yards, such ancient sources of decay can be animated to serve the will of their beastly masters. To the Hecklefang, any edge in battle is justified, and everyone else is meat.

Figures: Hecklefang Scrapper, Bonecackle Shaman
Bonus Figure: Tar Pit Elemental


The Hecklefang Hyenard Battle Pack will be released in September. Check back for previews all this month as the set is developed. The October and November releases have also been determined, and will be revealed at a later date.

Battle Pack releases include at minimum 7 figures. I add as many bonus figures as time permits! All sets include a large selection of modular options, such as weapons, heads, and armor options, as well as a set of themed custom-sculpted bases!

Drop by the Battle Yak Discord to talk about upcoming releases with the rest of the Battle Yak Miniatures community!



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