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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The August Battle Pack is a new addition to the Drakkisan Wyrmspawn - Flight of Dragons! These draconic beings are devoted to increasing the great treasure hoard of their master, the Great Old Wyrm!

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Enjoy this gallery of Drakkisan Wyrmspawn - Flight of Dragons miniatures and a glimpse into the lore behind the faction!


Thus was struck down Somastra, the Wyrm of Secrets, her spawn slain and her dreaming curse undone. Wyrmhell, blighted realm of bones, would be her grave for untold aeons. But her sibling Drakkisan, Wyrm of Riches, was craftier than she. He fled into the west, into the deep holds of the ancestral races. There, without form or countenance, amid the treasures of kingdoms and nations, he builds his strength, forging the army that will rise up one day, and overwhelm the world...

-Writings of the Wyrmcult

The Drakkisan Wyrmspawn are creatures spawned of malevolent alien power, lurking in the darkness of deep caverns and ancient, buried strongholds built and abandoned millennia ago. In these great lairs, by the light of flickering torches and braziers, the wyrmspawn pile mountains of stolen treasure - rolling hills of gold coins, ingots, jewelry, gemstones, and other things held to be precious by the peoples and races of the world of Jerra. The treasure is taken through violence and marauding, the draconic wyrmspawn marching through dark tunnels and hidden passageways that span the world, rising up to invade settlements and raid treasuries, hauling the spoils in sacks and chests back to their great hoard. In is not mere avarice that compels these actions, but the unending hunger of their progenitor, the Great Old Wyrm - Drakkisan.

Drakkisan is an entity older than the world. From some ancient primordial realm, he and his kin fled a disaster that devoured their old home, worming their way through unknowable cosmic hollows until they discovered the world of Jerra. A world of the mortal dimension, ensconced in a shell of dimensional layers, Jerra was a tantalizing treasure to the wyrms, but they could not easily pierce the veil and take the world as their own. Instead, they can only bleed their influence slowly into the world, their power oozing into reality like an infection, manifesting as their children and instruments - the wyrmspawn.

Like all the Great Old Wyrms, Drakkisan is attuned to a particular principle essence, specific to him alone, and only by gathering this essence in vast quantities can Drakkisan's power be more fully made manifest. As the Wyrm of Riches,  Drakkisan must gather a great hoard of all things that mortals consider to be valuable - gold, jewels, and other material wealth. The esoteric principles by which the accumulation of valuable treasure grants Drakkisan increased eldritch might are virtually impossible for mortal minds to understand, but with every coin, ring, and jewel that comes into the miasmic presence of the Great Old Wyrm, Drakkisan becomes more present, more tangible, more real. Molten blood congeals from the air, forming into crawling, cancerous flesh. Bulbous tumours become eggs, which hatch more of his spawn into the world.

Drakkisan's most significant manifestation of the modern age are the Drachons, the wyrmspawn closest in nature to the Great Old  Wyrm himself. Drakkisan is no longer content to keep to the hidden  shadows of the world, but is marshalling his forces to make an all-out  assault upon the kingdoms of the mortals and carve out a true and lasting dominion of his own.

Some drachon enjoy the blessing of wings, and take flight as Drachon Harbingers, descending on the foe from above. Other drachon inherit the chameleonic nature of the Wyrm, taking on an aspect of Drakkisan's ability to change and transform. These Drachon Shadowscales can blend in with their environment using their maleable draconic auras, the perfect stealth agents of the wyrmspawn.

Drachons join the ranks of more senior spawn like the towering Wyrmidon, formerly mortals transformed by consuming the molten blood of Drakkisan. Though all wyrmspawn are manifestations of the Great Old Wyrm's power, many spawn possess sparks of independent will and personality, and many burn with the desire to distinguish themselves in battle that they might rise in the esteem of their master.

Drakkisan continues to experiment with his manifestations, creating numerous variant spawn and mutant children. Not all of these experiments are successful. Born from tumourous hunks of draconic flesh, the Bloodshaped Miscreations represent failed manifestations, little more than mad beasts wracked with all manner of hideous draconic mutations. Such creatures are of little use to the Great Old Wyrm, but can find some purpose in disposable fodder, unleashed in great shrieking tides of organic horror.

Drakkisan's greatest desire is to produce a worthy vessel for himself, a spawn that he can invest with the fullness of his being, achieving a true and final manifestation of his form and power in the mortal realm. His efforts towards the goal creep every closer to success, his lastest experiments having culminated in the Bloodshaped Incarnates, colossal draconic beasts that exemplify the frightful power of the Great Old Wyrm. Only a handful of these horrors have been spawned in the lairs with the greatest hoards, but even a single such creature can lay waste of a nation.

Drakkisan's cruel intellect blazes in the eyes of the Incarnate. They are nearly able to contain his entire self. They are so very nearly perfect. Soon a true and final avatar of Drakkisan will be possible...

Drakkisan is not the only one of his kind to have manifested his spawn in the world. Throughout the long history of Jerra, four other wyrms have pierced the veil and spawned their servants. While Drakkisan draws power from wealth as the Wyrm of Riches, his kin fed upon other sources of conceptual power. Somastra, Wyrm of Secrets, plagued the dreams of mortals, stealing their minds as they slumbered and leaving her spawn to awaken in their empty husks. Indrigar, Wyrm of Mechanisms, lies coiled beneath an ever-growing city of machinery and technology, growing stronger with every advancement. Even more powerful and terrible wyrms are lurking in the world's hidden places, growing their power and waiting for the opportunity to strike.

The Great Old Wyrms are not alligned in purpose. While each desires to conquer the mortal races, they also seek to eviscerate one-another and rule alone. Imagine what these nightmarish fiends would unleash upon the world in their war for supremacy...

The veil of reality frays, gnawed by the hunger of the Wyrm of Riches, and his spawn stand ready to herald their master's terrible new dominion. The world will belong to Drakkisan.

For the hoard!


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