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The Beastorkk Cabal are ready to bash and kill! And to smash and frag, and stomp and crush! And then, they're gonna get really mean! Enjoy this preview of the next Battle Yak Miniatures Battle Pack, available early this February!

The Beastorkk Cabal is a civilization devoted only to war, with armies of genetically engineered warriors sent to raze and conquer world after world, all orchestrated by a god-like machine intelligence.

Beastorkk Wargrunts come in a variety of sculpts, with an arsenal of deadly close-combat weaponry, as well as a plethora of armor customization options, including pauldrons and power-packs.

The genetic engineering practiced in the Cabal has yielded all manner of bio-sculpted abominations, and one of the most beloved by the beastorkk are the Oddgruk Beasties.

Creatures and monsters that share the vicious temperment of the beastorkk, Beasties are often adopted as pets and emergency food supplies by warriors, who turn scrap and salvage into armor and weapons to enhance the deadliness of their special little buddies.

When it comes to scorched earth tactics, the Beastorkk Cabal don't do things halfway. Beastorkk Flamebelchaz unleash jets of chemical flame upon the enemy position, leaving nothing but ashes in their wake. Obsessed with the flame, they spurn heavier protective gear to better feel the heat on their own flesh.

Besides, armor's for wimps anyway.

And finally, this release will include a set of themed sculpted bases, the Skorched Urth Base Set, perfecting for depicting a battlefield ravaged by the Cabal.

The Beastorkk Cabal release will include everything you see here and more, available early this February!


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Mini Manatee

Keeps getting better! <3