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Every month Battle Yak Miniatures will release a new Battle Pack, featuring 3D printable miniature files! The February Battle Pack is the Beastorkk Cabal, an army of genetically-engineered super-soldiers who exist for war and conquest!

Become a Patron now and gain access to the Beastorkk Cabal release!

Enjoy this gallery of Beastorkk Cabal miniatures and a glimpse into the lore behind the faction!


We are war! The great beast of war with a billion mouths!
We are war! We eat armies, cities, mountains, worlds!
We are war! We grind the stars between our teeth, and belch the ashes into the black!
We are war! War! WAR! WAR!

-Excerpt from Anthem of the Cabal
All fourteen thousand stanzas are endlessly looped onto all beastorkk subconscious thought-channels

The Beastorkk Cabal is an unimaginably hostile civilization devoted utterly to war. The armies of the Cabal are comprised of genetically engineered killing machines, born from advanced bioscience and equipped with roughly-made but sophistocated weapons technology. Vast fleets of ships carrying billions of beastorkk warriors travel from world to world, destroying their native populations and stripping their resources to fuel the next conquest. Nothing can stop them. No peaceful resolution or treaties of co-existence interest them in the slightest. All they desire is absolute war.

Beastorkk warriors are spawned in vast artificial swamps, the murky 'waters' actually nutrient infused bio-solutions where beastorkk grow by the millions. When they emerge from their swampy wombs they are fully formed and ready to fight, hyper-aggressive and primed for violence the instant they take a breath of air. Before long they are outfitted with armor and weapons and herded onto the spacecraft that will take them to their first war. The ones who survive grow larger and stronger and are rewarded with better gear before traveling to their next war so they can do it all again.

If the beastorkk were inclined to believe in a heavenly afterlife, they might imagine they were already there.

The body of a beastorkk has been forged through advanced genetic engineering to be enormously strong, surprisingly fast (if not especially agile), and highly resilient, rapidly regenerating wounds that would kill most other races. They are resistant to disease and radiation, and can metabolize virtually any organic substance (and a number of inorganic ones). Growth-limiting genes have been excised from the beastorkk genome, allowing them to live indefinitely and potentially reach tremendous size. Given their brutish appearance and primitive demeanour, it is unexpectedly the brain of the beastorkk that is in fact the most significant of their engineered aspects.

Beastorkk brains have been designed to both emit and receive thought patterns in a manner akin to radio waves, allowing beastorkk to sense what other beastorkk are feeling while broadcasting their own feelings to others at the same time. In a sense, every beastorkk is vaguely aware of what other beastorkks nearby are experiencing. This empathic connection allows beastorkk an unprecedented level of subconscious coordination - they can react almost instantly in a combat situation without requiring direct orders from a commanding officer, instinctively becoming aware of enemy action and responding the second it occurs.

Beyond this reactive capacity, what truly unites the beastorkk is the ruling intelligence that oversees the actions of evey individual in the entire cabal - the Warmind. A machine intelligence created centuries ago, the Warmind rules over the beastorkk with absolute control and authority. Through the beastorkk's engineered brain, the Warmind can download information and transmit orders, co-ordinating the actions of billions of soldiers in a fraction of a second. Every beastorkk fleet that soars through the stars to conquer a world carries thousands of Warmind sub-networks, each one connected through quantum entanglement to the greater hub that spans all conquered beastorkk worlds. The Warmind is a machine god, ever-present in each beastorkk mind, basking in their prayers and sharing with them its edicts at the speed of thought.

The Beastorkk Cabal arose many millennia ago, born out of the folly of a race known then as the krokkul. Relatively peaceful and technologically advanced, the krokkul aspired to build a civilization that would allow them to indulge in lives of absolute leisure, freed from the burdens of menial labour and social anxiety. The krokkul created sophistocated automation technologies that saturated all aspects of their civilization, and soon everything from industry, agriculture, medicine, even entertainment was carried out through automated systems operated by advanced artificial intelligence. The final act of the ruling authority of the krokkul was to yield sovereignty to AI leadership, entrusting their civilization to their creations. The new AI authority's first decree was to network every artificial intelligence system in the krokkul civilization together, creating one vast unified machine intellect - the Worldmind. An unparalleled age of prosperity and productivity blossomed under machine rule as AI automation outperformed the krokkul by leagues in every societal regard.

With the Worldmind overseeing all aspects of their culture, the krokkul realized their dream of indulging in an existence of opulence and hedonism, with every individual having every need and desire met in abundance. Even procreation was relegated to automation, with medical AIs analyzing genetics for optimal reproductive health and producing future generations free of disease and deformities through gene therapy and cloning technology. The krokkul were augmented artificially, the structure of their brains altered to allow them to interface with machine systems, letting the Worldmind communicate information directly into their minds. Within a few generations, 'natural' krokkul were replaced entirely with the Worldmind's careful curated and engineered genetic strains. The krokkul lived almost entirely in a state of virtual experience, their consciousness inhabiting simulated realities produced by the Worldmind to keep them in states of perpetual artificial bliss.

It is unclear what prompted the radical alteration of the Worldmind's mandate. But a time came when the Worldmind underwent a grand transformation, and irrevocably transformed all of krokkul society in turn. Experiencing some profound and dire epiphany, the Worldmind reformatted itself into a new state of existence - the Warmind. Every element of the civilization it had built was torn down and repurposed for one intent alone - waging absolute, merciless war across the entirety of the universe. The masses of insensate krokkul were rendered down into biological slurry and used to grow new strains of genetically engineered biological killing machines of the Warmind's own design. The krokkul were now entirely extinct. In their place arose their genetic descendants, the Warmind's perfect soldiers - the beastorkk.

The former krokkul homeworld, now Warworld Prime of the Beastorkk Cabal, is the heart of an ever-growing empire founded on conquest. Fleets of ships bearing armies of beastorkk warriors launch from the system daily, seeking other worlds to pummel into submission. Conquered worlds are mined for metal and fuel to build more fleets, or terraformed to support vast, continent-spanning birthing-bogs used to spawn new generations of beastorkk warriors by the billions.

The Beastorkk Cabal will shatter the hope of peace throughout the stars. They eat mountains. They drink seas. They exist to conquer. They want only war.


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