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Hey everyone! The Harrowhaunt Fryghtmares II: Harvest Night Battle Pack is currently available this October! Be sure to check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for the latest sales and recent releases!

The upcoming November Battle Pack will feature the Dreghood Shadowguild, a band of cut-throats and brigands, ready to do some dirty deeds dirt cheap! The Dreghood will be ideal for depicting bandits and hoodlums of a hobgoblin or half-orc-y nature, perfect for urban-fantasy tabletop settings, or whenever you need some low-level monstery goons!

Speaking of goons...

Dreggum Goons make up the lower ranks of the Dreghood (which is already pretty low to begin with). They lurk in the shadows and only make themselves known when they're about to stick a knife in your lung or bash your brains out when you aren't looking.

Goons will come in a variety of sculpts and poses, with plenty of modular heads and weapons!

Variant heads will also include some classic fantasy race options, for those who want that explict hobgoblin look.

Backing up the goons are the real muscle of the Dreghood, the Biggrug Bruisers. For when breaking one leg just isn't enough.

Biggrugs grow significantly taller and broader than their dreggum brethren, and will tower over the lowlier ranks in battle. They'll also come with their own selection of modular options, including heads and weapons!


Drop by the Official Battle Yak Discord to see the latest news and sales and chat with the community about what  kinds of projects you'd like to see next! You can also follow Battle  Yak Miniatures on twitter, facebook, and instagram.

And check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for the latest sale! Battle Yak Miniatures is celebrating the MyMiniFactory Halloween Sale, so now's the perfect time to pick up the spookiest of miniatures!




Damn these look great, looking forward to the release! :)