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Hi everyone! Hope you're enjoying the darkening days of October. Enjoy this preview of the upcoming Dreghood Shadowguild Battle Pack, the next release from Battle Yak Miniatures!

Dreggum Goons are the grubby, unwashed hands of the Shadowguild - leg-bearkers, cut-throats, hoodlums, and ne'er-do-wells, always ready to gleefully ne'er-well-do.

The Shadowguild employs a number of unsavory characters skilled in back-alley sorcery and bootleg alchemy, and numerous illicit experiments have yielded the means to turn lowly dreggum into towering biggrugs.

As strong as they are dumb and twice as ugly as that, Biggrug Bruisers act as heavy-hitters for the Shadowguild. Any rivals trying to muscle in on Dreghood territory will find the Bruisers ready to muscle right back.

Goons and Brusiers will both come in a variety of sculpts, with multiple customization options including modular heads and an arsenal of weapons. The be-tentacled faces represent the dreggum race, while other head variants will be available for more classic fantasy races such as hobgoblins.

The next preview will show absolutely everything with the Dreghood Shadowguild Battle Pack, which will be released early in November!


Be sure to check out the Battle Yak Miniatures online store for the latest sale! Battle Yak Miniatures is celebrating the MyMiniFactory Halloween Sale, so now's the perfect time to pick up the spookiest of miniatures!

Drop by the Official Battle Yak Discord to see the latest news and sales and chat with the community about what  kinds of projects you'd like to see next! You can also follow Battle  Yak Miniatures on twitter, facebook, and instagram.




Love those goons!