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Hey everyone!

Lots of stuff happening lately. The latest Battle Pack, the Harrrowhaunt Fryghtmares II release, is available now (with pre-supported files coming soon) and the current Battlecry Poll is running to determine the order of the next releases. This post is to talk about even more developments with Battle Yak Miniatures.


Battle Yak Miniatures is now available in Tribes format! This subscription format is provided and hosted by the good folks at MyMiniFactory, home of the Battle Yak Online Store. After much encouragement from the MyMiniFactory crowd, I have put together and launched the Battle Yak Tribes.

If you or anyone you know would prefer to support Battle Yak Miniatures entirely through MyMiniFactory, that option is now available to all! Unlocking Tribes will also provide me with greater opportunities for outreach and promotion through MMF, a vitally important aspect of making Battle Yak Miniatures visible in the 3D printing marketspace.

The format of Battle Yak Tribes is virtually identical to Patreon, with one exception that I want to focus on particularly.

Battle Yak Miniatures Loyalty Rewards

Tribes offers a very creator-friendly pipeline for gifting Loyalty Rewards to long-time subscribers, and I want to offer the same through Patreon. Many Battle Yak Warriors have been supporting me through Patreon since day 1, and they've more than earned this type of gift with that support.

As of this writing, I'm not familiar with how (or even if) Patreon manages a similar loyalty rewards format, but I will be looking into it and determine the best way to provide well-earned rewards to supporters of Battle Yak Miniatures, from Patreon and Tribes alike.

On a related note...


As part of the Tribes launch, and because it's been a long-time coming, the Beyond Mortality Miniature Range has undergone an upgrade and finally been updated with pre-supported versions of all files.

Battle Yak Patrons are entitled to access the entire Beyond Mortality range (and numerous other rewards) through the ever-growing Battle Box!

Beyond Mortality has a special place in my heart as the first line of miniatures I produced and the inspiration behind much of Battle Yak Miniatures, and I plan to continue to add many more heroes and monsters to it (in fact I've been dragging my heels on a few new minis that have been unlocked for a while... time to start getting caught up!)

All Beyond Mortality minis have also been updated on MMF with their presupported files as well. Subscribers through Tribes will be granted the same Battle Box rewards!

And with regards to keeping Battle Yak Miniatures comparable across both Patreon and Tribes...


The format of Battle Yak Miniatures releases has always previously been Patreon first, with the files passing to MyMiniFactory the following month. With many recent releases, this month-long gap has mostly been to provide me with the time to finish setting up pre-supported files (which don't take 5 minutes, let me tell you), and then getting the MMF versions of releases organized and uploaded.

With the launch of Tribes, I am going to be making every effort to steamline development of releases so I can put out Battle Packs through both Patreon and MMF at as close to the same time as I can manage. I tend to work right down to the wire on monthly releases, so MMF/Tribes releases may remain behind Patreon releases, but I don't want to keep any of my supporters from waiting for their minis any longer than I have to.

Patrons will, of course, retain the option to access any releases they are eligible for through their MMF libraries.


So there you have it! The latest devleopments with Battle Yak Miniatures. To sum up, I'm making efforts to upgrade the Battle Yak experience and provide supporters with as many ways to access my works as I can. Patreon is where the magic started, so I especially wanted to be sure to keep all my patrons here up to date with developments.

There will be more to come in the days ahead! In the meantime, feel free to drop by the Official Battle Yak Discord to let me know your thoughts, and to see the latest news and sales and chat with the community.



Stephan Schany

Awesome! Are you going to offer the Epic Paracausalist as a Loyalty Reward?


The Epic Paracausalist and similar rewards were intended to be rewards unlocked through milestones like # of subs, rather than length of time subbed. Like previous rewards they'd go into the Battle Box, and anyone subbing would have access to them. What to provide as loyalty rewards is something I'm still pondering - since people who have followed me for a while will have a lot of my previously made content already. Offering brand new stuff is tricky since I'm already pretty swamped as far as production goes. As Joey suggests, I could ultimately co-ordinate with folks directly and see if they personally wanted any existing content they don't have. All things I will be considering going forwards!

Joey D

Oh and... one other thing... on loyalty rewards, this one is more opinion though... Loyalty rewards are great for creating FOMO, and forcing people to stay subbed even if they likely wouldn't otherwise... which is great if you want subs and that's all. As a patron/customer, they're great to have as a bonus for sticking around... but they also kinda suck, especially if you're on a fixed income. Times are getting rough, and this stuff is essentially luxury at the end of the day... being forced to drop a sub due to financial reasons sucks enough, without also losing out on loyalty rewards on top :( So... not suggesting you don't do them at all... more, suggesting you go the route some patreon artists do, which is to reward returning backers based on total number of months, rather than just number of consecutive months. Some artists have crazy long lists of loyalty rewards... like... "stay with us for 3years and you get this!" , and that honestly kinda sucks. Locks you in, and makes for a really far away goal for new people :\ even having things like '6 consecutive months' and 9/12/15 etc... if you break for just 1 month, chain is broken and have to start again... doesn't make you feel very rewarded for all the time you have been about :( Whereas having it just number of months, regardless of breaks, feels a lot fairer (In my opinion anyway), and less punishing :) (also backdating it, which is how it seems you will be, is a great way to reward your backers, like me, who've been around for ages already :D so big thanks on that one <3 ) anywho... rantover... hope that helps guide you a bit with whatever structure you go with :)


Absolutely, rewarding total support is how I'd do it. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, it gives me increased opportunity to share my own and keep things clear for folks.

Joey D

Aye, offering alternate ways of getting them after is good too Then again OPR do a 3month rolling cycle, back for 3mths, you get that cycle's big model... then after that goes to the store which is a nice simple system too :) And no worries, seems like you're listening really well too (unlike some creators... where feedback is usually responded with various ways of saying 'nope' -.- ), and that's great <3