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It's 2023! Hope you're having a good one so far.

Here's the usual beginning of the month blog post. In it I outline what I'll be doing this month. Since it's the beginning of the year also, I decided to go into my plans for the rest of the year with A Tiny Furry In A Huge World, so... let's get into that, shall we?

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World

Since it's the beginning of the year, I figured that I'd kinda outline the content that I plan to write this year. 

In total, I plan on publishing three version updates this year, so... one every four months or so. I'd love to do more, but I have a lot of projects that I also need to work on, and I'll inevitably want to do new things too, so... this is me being very realistic.

Anyway. I decided to make a roadmap image thing in order to show what's coming at a glance or whatever. So, here it is!

( Patreon might make it smaller and harder to read so here's a direct link )

NOTE: I put gym/sport court for v1.3 but in reality I'm not quite sure what will be there yet because I plan on polling the location here. It will probably be sports related but I might offer a non-sports related option, who knows. The specifics of the new roaming character (the ???? person) will also be polled, hence me being vague about what exactly they are.

Wow! That's a lot easier to understand than one of my big unstructured rambles, right? Even I'm filled with understanding...

These will be coming every four months as previously said - so, v1.2 will be coming in April, v1.3 will be landing in August, and v1.4 will mark the end of the year and release in December. Naturally, there'll still be monthly preview builds uploaded here, so you'll be getting new content on here every month as always!

To briefly touch on other game stuff that will be coming this year... well, A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest will most certainly be coming this year at some point not sure when but definitely happening. On top of that, I plan on kind of returning to Macroville and... well, you'll see, maybe. It's probably a little too early to talk about all of that.

What's coming this month, though? A handful of new scenes - like last month, it'll not be the largest update in the world, but, there will still be plenty of new content regardless. I'd love to do more (and will be doing so in February/going forward) but this month is all about clearing up the last of my commission backlog so that I can actually focus on doing more with my games.

I will still be taking commissions after my backlog is clear - I have one lined up to be wrote in February, actually - just... I plan on trying to take less of them. With Tiny Furry Plus continuing to sell reasonably well over on itch.io, I can afford to do this, hopefully, which will mean that I am run less ragged and will be able to spend more time making content for Tiny Furry and other non-commission related projects.


So, speaking of these... there'll be one really big one, two big ones, and one small one. One of the big ones might end up dropping at the beginning of February depending on how things go (proofing, I like giving the commissioner time to read them before they go live, etc) but, all going to plan, we'll be starting the year off with a bang.

I already went ahead and did the banners for the three big ones (let's call them the big three) so I'll share those with everyone as a teaser of sorts!

I was going to post little descriptions for them too, but I decided that the titles of these are pretty enticing by themselves, so I'm going to leave it at that! Expect to see all of these over the next couple of weeks.

The Hungry House

I was going to post a wrap up of my thoughts on the project here here, but I figured that I'd save it for a little later in the month, because a lot of it will go into how I kinda plan to make/release games in the future and I think that's important/worthy enough for it's own post. So... yeah! Expect to see that in a few days, probably.


There will certainly be polls. I'll have one up for the tailor tomorrow, actually. We also have this month's bonus ending to figure out, so, yeah!

To touch back to that roadmap, I will probably poll stuff for v1.3 and v1.4 of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus a bit before I start working on them - so, I'll do polls for v1.3 starting in February and March. There will be quite a few things to decide, so, I hope everyone is looking forward to that!

Posting Stuff Publicly

It's been ages since I've posted anything on FurAffinity or elsewhere, so, going in 2023, I am going to be posting stuff from my rather large list of unpublished commissions there more frequently. 

There's no reason that I'm typing this other than as a promise to myself, really. Getting my name out there more is definitely a good thing, and I was a little shy of it last year for some reason - but I was really proud of my work last year and I want more people to read it.

Anyway. This is my New Year's Resolution, basically. Post more of my stories outside of Patreon! 

This doesn't mean that all of the exclusive content on here is going to vanish, though. If it's less than a month or two old then my plan is to keep it here. That way I always have a nice log to draw from, you know?

Mental Health

It's the new year and I'm feeling great! Nothing to report other than that I am absolutely brimming with energy.

That's it, I think! I'm going to go make some food. Happy 2023!



Here's to another year of amazing content!