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Hello everyone!

Sorry this one is a couple of days late - I ended up getting a little run down with what I guess I'd describe as a cold or something? You know, one of those twenty-four-hour bugs - nothing major, but, sure makes you feel cruddy for a bit. I didn't really have the mental strength to write much, but... I did do other productive things relating to work. What are these things? Mysterious things - cool things. I'll show you them next week, but... let's just say it's Tiny Furry related.

However, despite being a little late, it certainly isn't a dollar short... though, it does have a really short person in it? Though does it really count as short if you're an inch big, though? That's more like really tiny ... or, bug, I guess.


After taking a fairly mundane business trip, a plucky electric fox finds herself shrunk to an inch high underneath the sheets of her bed. This would be bad enough by itself, but... it's even worse when she gets crushed by a burly fire dog seconds after escaping her room. Luckily, the strange shrinking curse upon her seems to offer a strange kind of immortality... but does that really matter when she just keeps getting stepped on again and again and again?

TAGS: BIG M/small f, Shrinking, Paws, Crush, Boxer Entrapment
(5500 Words Long)

I think that's it! For once I don't need to go on a big ramble. Work is going pretty well and I'm on projection to get those four stories that I wanted to get done this month, so, cool! I'll have a poll on Friday where I probably will ramble for a bit, though? I usually do.

Until then, happy reading!

EDIT: Apparently RTF isn't a super friendly format on some devices - which makes sense, it's kinda old - so I have uploaded a pdf version and will likely do this with all stories going forward. Like, upload an RTF and a PDF I guess!


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