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Hello everyone!

So! The results of the poll are finally in. Made-To-Order Outfitting won by seven whole votes - meaning that the specifics of this location will be polled this month. More on this on a second, though - because I'd like to talk about the other two options briefly.

About the Sheriff's Office And The Derelict House

So, surprise time. Listen up if you were interested in either the derelict house or the sheriff's office because I have good news for you. They will both be included in the game when it releases - I just won't be polling the specifics of them. Which means that I get to decide all of the things to do with these locations! Mwahaha!

I want to make it clear that this was always the plan - or at least, it was the plan when I posted the poll last week, anyways. It won't add a ton of extra work to the ton of work that I already have. It's been planned and accounted for. I just wanted to save it as a fun surprise for the second poll.

I'll be revealing my plans for these unpolled locations in the future.

Anyway. Since I'll be deciding the specifics of those locations, I don't need to talk about them anymore! At least, not right now! For now, let's talk about our tailor, yes?


I never know whether to do gender, species, or disposition first. Usually I just pick one at random, so... that's exactly what I did this time. I rolled a three-sided dice - dunno what one of those looks like, I did this on the internet - and the result was that'll we'll be going for gender first.

I tussled over what options to put on the poll. I considered removing female as an option since there are a fair few strong female characters in the game already. But since I'm doing the sheriff's place and the derelict house and other locations independently, I can add characters of whatever gender to balance things out if need be! So that shouldn't be an issue.

I also wondered if I should throw gynomorph/andromorph on the list again since they were fairly popular in the last poll I did. In the end, I did, because why not? I think more options is a good thing. Unless there are like... twenty different options because that just gets tiring. Choice paralysis, anyone? Anyway - gyno/andro are here in this poll, but they might disappear on future gender polls for other things - or they might stick around - I dunno, it'll depend on what I think the game needs and what people might want.

I think that's about it. Next time we'll be doing disposition, so, we'll get a better idea of their character before polling the final thing - which will be species, naturally.

Poll is multiple choice as always, so feel free to pick as many or as few as you like. The poll will end next Friday - or the 23rd - and I'll be posting the next poll around the 24th. Get your votes in before then, blah blah blah!

Next week will be pretty quiet on the story front! I'm working on finishing off a really big story (even by my standards) and it needs a little bit more time in the oven - you'll probably see it around the end of the month! I will have something else that's cool and a little different, though. What is it? You'll see, you'll see...

Happy voting!



We get both?! Nice! Thank you <3


Why do people vote male when gynomorph gets you the best of both worlds