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Hello everyone!

Wow, it's been a while since I've polled anything to do with A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest. If you aren't familiar with it, it's a spiritual sequel to Tiny Furry In A Huge World that I've been developing on and off for... about a year and a half? The last time I posted an update for it was back in August - maybe you should check it out if you haven't already - and I've kinda been quietly working on it ever since then.

Blather to come - scroll down if you wanna get straight to poll stuff

Quietly being the key word here. Normally I tend to run my mouth quite a lot about what I'm making - I tend to run my mouth a lot in general, actually - but, with Quest, I have been deliberately silent. There are a few reasons for this, but I can roughly boil it down into two to spare everyone some reading. 

The first is that it's quite the large project - huge, to be honest - and it's become clearer and clearer that it's going to take more time to make than I thought. At least, if I want to make it properly - which I do. At one point I was kind of just trying to rush toward the game's completion but then I remembered that I... don't have to. I have plenty of other games that I can update or even make while I'm making this, plenty of other things that I can show off, and... yeah, generally, there's no need to rush. So I'm taking my time with it and by not talking about it and focusing more on upcoming projects I feel better.

The second is that instead of releasing preview builds like I do for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World, I'd... like to drop the entire game at once, kinda like I did with Macroville and The Hungry House - except it's going to be ten times bigger than those games. Literally - that's not an overstatement - actually, it'll probably end up being bigger than that. The Hungry House was 40,000 words long, and A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest currently has a script that's over 400,000 words long - and there is still plenty more work to be done. The point is, no matter how long it ends up being, I want everyone to be able to play it all at once - to be able to dig into it and discover all of it's many many grimy dirty secrets without bumping into the obstacle of oh, sorry, but I haven't wrote this route yet - it's probably coming next update.

So it's going to arrive when it's ready to arrive. It's being built... or, perhaps, it's sleeping... and when it's closer to being awake, I'll let everyone know.

Anyway. Sorry for the blather - I guess I just wanted to get my feelings out and keep everyone in the loop! So how about that poll, huh?

Poll Stuff

This is going to be the last poll for a visitable location in Hellev - or, well, it's going to be a series of polls, but you get my point, hopefully. 

A few months back, I ran three series of polls that decided three areas that would feature in the game. The winners of these polls were:

Betting Stand (implemented)
Potion Shop (sorta implemented)
The Forge (you'll see it when the game is done, probably)

These aren't the only locations that'll be in the game - currently, there's also a church, cemetery, a trapper's residence, and a strange magical tower in the works. There's also, of course, Wilson's tavern! Hellev is a whole village, so it obviously has many more buildings, but... in the interest of not making this a million words long, these are just the visitable ones. The ones that are open for business and intriguing to the player in other words.

This first poll is to decide the location. There'll be a poll for the owner's species, gender, and rough disposition also. Since there are going to be four polls and possible tiebreaker polls and all that, these polls may bleed over into January - I don't want to rush through them or anything.

Anyway! Here are the locations on offer.

Made-To-Order Outfitting

This is a tailor! A place that sells clothes. Despite the name, they have plenty of stuff to buy straight off the rack, too. There's always been some stranger rumors about the owner, though... apparently he/she is magical and can literally turn people into clothing. But that'd be crazy, right?

In the prologue, you'll be able to visit this shop and talk to the owner and maybe browse their wares. There might even be a clothes transformation ending in the prologue if you play your cards right - who knows? Later on, when you're micro, there will be a bunch of content here... including lots of clothing entrapment (shoes, underwear, you name it) and also ample vore opportunities with the owner themself. Oral vore, unbirth/cock vore, anal vore... you know, the usual good stuff! Aware and unaware as always.

Sheriff's Office

Hellev is a small independent town in the middle of nowhere, so it needs law enforcement of some kind. Unluckily, though, the budget is extremely slim, and Hellev isn't exactly the easiest place to manage, so...

... the place is as run down as the rest of town. The pokey little office doesn't look like much on the outside. There are three people who work there - two guardsmen (who will be minor characters) and a Sheriff who will be a major character.

Who will the sheriff be? Well, they could be male or female - that'll be determined by poll. And their species will be too. And so will their disposition, so... it's hard to say. But I imagine that, at the very least, they will be an older and more weathered character. Down on their luck, beaten up, but... they still have some spirit left in 'em.

I just think this is a cool location that'll help worldbuild the town and it's crime problems a bit, so, it's hard to say there'll be a kink focus here. In the prologue I'd like to say that you'll be able to visit the place... and that you'll be able to cause some trouble and end up spending the night in the cells (or cell). Since you wake up shrunk in the morning though that probably won't end well for you - especially given that you'll probably have a cellmate. As for when this location becomes explorable later, well... mostly it'll be just explore a big sheriff's office. Maybe interact with some criminals too? And a big sheriff, of course.

Derelict House

Located next to the cemetery, there's a spooky and abandoned house. Some of the more superstitious people in town say it's haunted, but the more rational folk just reckon that it's been infested by some homeless noisy vagrant. Either way, though, people stay clear of it. The place is a musty old wreck and nobody wants to be responsible for it.

What's actually inside this wreck of a house, though? Is it haunted by a ghost? Is it home to some kind of monster, perhaps? Or is it really just some homeless person who's down on their luck? Hell... maybe they're some ghost hunter? A ghost buster, if you will? That's kinda what the poll will decide! I imagine people will lean more toward it being some kind of supernatural entity or monster - because that'll be fun for the vore - but, who knows? I guess we'll see... if this option wins, anyway.

Regardless, this creepy old place will take place to a pretty hefty side quest chain that'll start in the Prologue and continue through the rest of the game. No matter what's inhabiting the house going along this side quest chain will open up some soul vore opportunities as well as, you know, the regular voreish stuff too! And some supernatural stuff. It'll just be a blast, basically. I kinda consider this option the wildcard option of the three - it's not quite clear what it's going to be, but, that's deliberate and it makes this option a little more exciting. Or something like that...

That's it for our choices! Who will win? I have no idea. All three of these ideas are fun and compelling to me, so... happy to let you guys decide!

This poll will end next Thursday at midnight. You've got just over a week to get your votes in.

Whew! This took a little while to write. I'm going to take a little break and get some water. I should still have another story later on in the week for everyone - maybe around Sunday? EDIT: probably gonna be Monday orTuesday actually! Feeling a little run down, so spending Sunday recuperating. I'll see you then!



oh it's tough to vote between such a fun kink location like a tailor and story significance like the sheriff's office...


I say derelict house so we can find our hero at the mercy of a disheveled vagrant. Nothing's better than being the plaything of society's lowest...