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Story time! The first of many this month all going well! This one has some of those Pocket Critters that we all know and love in it. Specifically, it's got a big metal lizard robot in it. Do you know which one I'm talking about? I do!

Ace Trainer Cassandra - or, a bully who hangs around a low level route - is challenged by a mysterious fox-eared trainer named Rio to a battle. It seems to be an easy fight for the Ace Trainer - at least, until the fox girl unveils a surprise in the form of a strange metal dragon.

4,000 WORDS || TAGS: FoodTF, Unaware Vore


This one was fun to write! As far as most of my works go this one isn't super descriptive on the vore front - it's not even vaguely graphic, actually - but that's kind of the point - it's more... heavily implied. Secretive! You might even say... unaware? Anyway, it's fun to write something like this every once in a while! I definitely like getting down and dirty with all the innards, but it's fun to make the outside world a focus every once in a while.

Another minor update - yesterday, I went ahead and added tags to all of the stories that I could find on here - or at least, the stories that were relevant for the tags that I had in mind - which were vore types, as you can see. I intend on raking through the archive eventually and tagging the rest - as well as adding a couple more tags for good measure - but I got most of them - about 70% or so I'd say. This should make stories easier to find! 

That's about it. I should have another story for everyone later in the week - or at least, that's the plan - and there will most certainly be a poll tomorrow, or, Thursday.  Until then, enjoy this fun story - and I'll see you in a couple of days.



Okay, kyo. BIG yes! It might not have any descriptive innards and gooey digestion stuff in vast detail, but heck the casual implication of the whole thing is amazing~ The best fucking thing I've ever tasted :3


Thank you! Yeah, going for something a little more casual was the idea, I guess. Probably the most unaware vore story that I've ever wrote!