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Hello everyone!

Wow, it's December already. Year has kinda flown by, huh? I can't say that it hasn't been productive on my end, though. I was thinking about things yesterday and I came to the realization that I've published three games this year. I mean, they're not the world's biggest games or anything (except for Tiny Furry Plus that is kinda huge by text adventure standards) but, hey, that's still quite big. I've also thrown out... I dunno how many stories.

In about two weeks it'll be A Tiny Furry In A Huge World's third birthday anniversary thing. Since it was the first thing that I ever posted publicly, it'll also been my third anniversary as a writer. As a head's up I don't really have anything massive planned for the occasion, but I just thought it was neat and worth pointing out.

Anyway. Here's how I'll be captaining this strange ship that we're on this month.


After spending the majority of last month knee-deep in game development between The Hungry House and Tiny Furry Quest, I'm taking a bit of a step back from gamey stuff to focus on clearing up my ever-present commission backlog this month. That doesn't mean that there won't be a game update this month though - more on that later.

I have about four stories that I need to write - big ones. I'm going to be doing my best to get them all done this month so that I can go into 2023 with a clean slate. However, I also have three vignettes that I need to write this month, so, the possibility of me publishing seven whole stories in one month is quite slim. 

At minimum, though, I'd like to get at least two of the big ones done (and the other two nearly done) as well as getting the three monthly vignettes done, so... five stories this month? Yep, that's the aim. I know I can do at least four but I feel energized and want to push myself a bit.

This might sound like quite a lot - and it is - but in the case of the larger stories I have a fair bit of them wrote already so I'm hoping that it shouldn't be too difficult and that the month should be free of drama unlike November, so... fingers crossed?

Anyway. Expect some big fun stories, basically! There'll be some big guys and some big girls and some small people who are... well, probably getting stuffed inside of them or stepped on or something like that. My usual stuff!

A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus

I will be publishing a preview update to this game by the end of the month. I estimate that it'll add about three new scenes to the game. Now that our roaming character has been decided, I might just go and implement him proper - as in, give him a proper description, a proper presence in the rooms that he can visit, and, stuff like that. I'm not sure if he'll get any scenes added until January, but... we'll see!

I'll also be doing a poll this month - as usual. I'm not sure if it'll be for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World or A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest. I'll be figuring that out after the weekend, so... look forward to that one!

I also took some commission endings for the game last month - four of them in total - so maybe expect one or two of those to show up this month, too.

Suggestion Box/Bonus Ending Stuff

Thank you for leaving me so many awesome suggestions in last months suggestion box! There were so many good ones that I'll be plucking both last months and this months bonus ending from the box. In January we'll go back to a poll for the bonus ending, but... there were just so many good ones that I couldn't help but want to pick two!

I'm still chewing over which two that I want to pick exactly - I'll probably announce my choices just after the weekend.

The Hungry House

This is technically something that happened last month, but, I just wanted to leave a short note to thank everyone for the feedback that I've received on the game so far! People seem to have really enjoyed it. I still have things that I'd like to say about the game, but, I think I'll probably leave it until next month when I've given some time for all my thoughts to - for want of a better word - digest.

That's it!

Mostly a commission focused month - it'll probably be the same for January if I'm being completely honest. I'll still keep chipping away at my games, though - gotta keep up with those monthly updates!

I'm off to go and get myself a big glass of water. Have a great day and I'll see you all after the weekend!


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