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Hello everyone!

Today is the day. The Hungry House is releasing. Truth be told I think I would have liked to spend a lot more time on this game... but I can't work on it forever and I set myself a deadline and it's feature complete and stuffed with content, so... here it is! I am proud of it, even if I'm not a hundred percent sure how to feel about it yet. Even if it's a text adventure like my regular fare, it's a very different sort of game to what I usually produce... though that doesn't mean isn't vore-related. If anything, this might be the most vore-related game I've ever made.

I don't want to go into too much detail about this game because... well... it's a bit of a strange one, and a lot of it is centered around a strange element of mystery. The initial idea was to make this into something of a horror game but it turned into something far, far more surreal by the end. 

I don't think that there's ever really been a vore game like this before. I'm not sure if this is a good thing yet - but, regardless, it's a very unique experience. I don't know if I'll ever make anything like this again, but it was very interesting from a storytelling point of view. Also, the vore scenes were super fun to write.

I think it's important that everyone knows what the game contains, though, so let me do a rough list of features:

- Over 40,000 words of content (I'd say there's an hour or two of gameplay here - if not a little more - particularly if you're reading everything and interacting with stuff)
- 6 vore scenes (2 OV, 2 AV, 2 UB, 3000+ words each)
- One predator - she has a lot of names, but most people call her Kyobi
- 3 possible endings
- Patreon-exclusive scene selector (jump to any scene that you like straight from the main menu!)
- 20+ background images

And, something that I've wanted to do for a while and am excited to announce...

- VORE BACKGROUNDS. These were made in Blender. They are entirely optional (you can disable them at the start of the game) but if you'd like to see what your predator's insides look like... now you can!

Some of these internal backgrounds might look a little rough - I'm learning and I will get better but flesh is oh-so-hard to get right in 3D - but I am super proud of them. Particularly the unbirth one! My anal vore background skills definitely need work, though, but... with time, all will get better.

I did a lot of work to make sure that all the interior models that I made up could be used again in future projects, so... expect internal backgrounds to become kind of a standard from now on, probably!

I have included all the game backgrounds in a seperate zip file (attached to this post) if you'd like to see them without a bunch of text obscuring them.

Despite it being a 'horror' game there are no abrupt noises or scary jumpscares or anything like that. I focused more on the atmosphere in the writing and the imagery than in trying to startle whoever was reading it!

Here's a rough synopsis of the game:

One evening, you find yourself driving through a lonely forest. You're not sure how you got here, where you're driving to, or where the forest you're within even is, but...

... regardless, you are on the move. Going somewhere. Anywhere. Unfortunately, the beat-up old wreck that you're driving sputters to a halt beside a decrepit little log cabin. The place is creepy, ominous, and clearly abandoned, but with night rapidly approaching, you see no other choice but to take shelter within.

And that's all I'm giving away in terms of the plot. I will warn here though that one scene in particular features an optional gore extension that you can opt out of, but... despite the games horrorish tone, none of the other scenes are particularly gruesome in comparison to my usual stuff. It's just the usual unwilling shrinking then vored sorta deal in terms of the smut.

While I'm here warning people... the game also features heavy elements of soul vore. I can't say much more than that without spoiling it, but, even if you're not into soul vore, I still think that you'll find the scenes on offer enjoyable!

There are two versions - high res and low res. If the text is too big for your screen, then go with the low res version. I wish Quest had a way of doing this natively but unfortunately it doesn't, so... two versions! Go for high res if you have a resolution that's 1920x1080 - if you're running on something lower then, low res. Simple, I hope!

There is also a walkthrough! The game doesn't really require one since the puzzles are pretty simple, but I figured I'd throw one up. It tells you how to get to the first and second endings since those are the ones loaded with the vore content. You can find it by clicking here!

You will need Quest to play this. If you don't have this installed somehow, then you can grab it right here. At some point over the next few days I will provide a private hidden to the public link to textadventures.co.uk so that it can be played on things that Quest doesn't directly support, so - anything but Windows-based devices, basically. I am not sure how well it will work on the website, but I will try.

As a thank you to everyone for being patient with me this month and last while I dealt with RL drama, this game will be remaining Patreon-exclusive until at least some point after the new year. Right now the game and it's content is only available to those in the $10 tier, but - I will probably make the vore endings available in plain text next month to both make them easier to read casually and to give the $3 Supporter Tier something for all their patience.

I don't plan on adding any more content to it - it's a done deal now aside from bugfixes and whatnot - but, who knows, I might add an ending or two before the game is properly released. It's missing paw content, so... anyway. At the very least, I think, I would like to tweak how some of the backgrounds display, maybe - quite often they are obscured by text, and it would be nice to have something to get around this. Not sure what, yet, though...

Regardless! I'm very tired - been working on finishing this up all night - and for once, I think I'll save all the rambling that I'd like to do about this game for later and just say... play it! Be surprised by it. It's cool. I put a lot of work into it and I really hope that you find something to enjoy in it. I have a lot of things that I'd like to say about it, but... later!

Happy playing! I'll see you all tomorrow with my plans for December. I'll be going back to developing A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus, so... look forward to that! For now, enjoy this extremely hungry house.



Okay, have to say, I love this game~ Good visuals, good writing as always, and a good eerie story! Love how it loops back. A nice combination of not having to restart after death, so you can try everything in one path. And then when you're done... okay no spoilers XD Haven't played all of it yet myself. Even the one path took me about an hour alone? But can already give it a 10/10~ Nice job Kyo!


Finally got around to playing this game. I really enjoyed it. Playing it for the first time was spooky as well. The second vore ending is absolutely awesome. Love the mind control stuff. Also loved the subtle UB into OV. Found the secret too. Although I am not really sure whether I got to the end of it. Been messing with it for a few hours already, trying every single combination. P.S Soul vore is best. I loved how you tied it up with the shadow and all.


I said I wouldn't add more content to this game, but, I think I probably will at some point! I'd like to tie up a few loose ends and maybe create a few more at the same time... who knows? I'm super glad that you had fun poking around the game though! I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it other than that, again, I'd really like to do more at some point - whether it's a sequel or a little more content for what's already there, or, both! Thank you so much for the feedback - it means a ton! <3