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Hello everyone!

This ended up being quite the long post, so, I have decided to split it into two sections. If you want to just get straight to the poll stuff feel free to scroll through the first section.


Sorry for being kinda quiet last week. I told everyone earlier in the month about that whole had to evict my roommate thing and last week that was kinda going on in full force. As in, I spent a lot of time going through her room, packing her things up, cleaning said room, and generally doing my best to prepare the house for someone else to move into it again. There is also the constant threat in the back of my mind of her turning up and pounding my door down and being unreasonable about the fact that she's been evicted. This is unlikely, but, you know, one can't help but think about it.

As a result, it was a little hard to concentrate. The time that I could spend writing was mostly spent on The Hungry House because if I want to get anything out this month it's that. You can still definitely expect that to launch on the 30th. I also plan on having at least one other story out this month. I really wish I could have wrote more because once again I have a backlog of commission stuff building up and it's unlikely I'm going to get through it all until the New Year now when I was hoping to have a clean slate... well, around now. It is what it is, though.

It is unlikely that I will be done with everything until the end of the month. I apologize that this has effected my output a little and more than anything I thank you all for being understanding. 

When the lease is up next year - around June - I am thinking that I am going to move out of this place and move into somewhere smaller where I don't have to worry about roommates. When I first moved into this place I did so with a friend several years ago - a friend who has since moved because she got a new job in a new area. Since then because I have been relatively comfortable here because I know the area quite well and I have not wanted to move, but... I think for the sake of my sanity and for having more control over situations that might distract me, flying solo somewhere would be for the best.

Let's not spend all of our time lingering on these negative thoughts, however. In positive news - I was planning on catching up on a couple of things this weekend, but, feeling a little worn out, I decided to take the weekend off and give myself some time to collect my thoughts and charge up for the end of the month. I am successfully feeling supercharged. It is a wonder what a couple of days spent just relaxing and planning and thinking can do for the spirit.

Poll Stuff

For an even more positive thought - I want to thank everyone for voting so much in last weeks poll! It's clear that people were quite excited about a lot of the characters that were included. Lucas won - more on this in a little bit - but I want to say that I have concrete plans to add Sophia, Gabriel, Edward, and Connor to the game. Yes, all four of them. This will not be happening in v1.2, but, I want to assure everyone that these characters (and possibly the others) will not be getting thrown to the dust because they didn't win in the poll. 

Some of them might have their jobs changed slightly (it would be weird if everyone had a family member that worked at the college - though, I can still see Sophia working in campus recruitment) but for all intents and purposes you can consider pretty much every character in the poll canon now. I'm excited to write them and it's clear that you're excited to see them, so...

... anyway! Enough about everyone else. Let's talk about our poll winner. Which is Lucas! This poll is going to decide his disposition, or, his personality. I have come up with three sorta personality types and you get to pick from 'em.

As established already, Lucas has spent the vast majority of his adult life traveling thanks to a significant inheritance from his grandfather. Now, with inheritance spent and bank account dry, he's back at home trying to get himself a decent education. His disposition is mostly influenced by how he feels about this.

A couple of character details as a refresher. He's Aimee's older brother. How old? Well, there's actually a fairly significant age gap between them - Lucas is 31. Because he spent most of Aimee's childhood traveling (he started at 18) the two aren't all that familiar with each other anymore, but, they are starting to get to know each other again. It's a bit of a barrier for both of them.  

Positive Lucas

Lucas had a lot of fun adventures during his formative years, traveling around the world and learning a lot of different perspectives and immersing himself in a lot different cultures. He's disappointed that he's ran out of money and it's all come to an end, but, at the same time, he recognizes that nothing can last forever and that things have to change eventually.

Now that he's been back at home for about a year - and been studying at the college for a few months - he's doing his best to have a positive outlook on things. He still has some of his wanderlust and is kind of uncomfortable with being nailed down, but, he is ultimately doing his best to be a normal person and settle down.

During his adventures he also took part in a lot of backpacking and climbing so he's actually pretty physically fit! Not like, a beefcake or anything, but, he definitely has some abs and a little muscle. He's also a pretty handsome fella.

This Lucas is a pretty friendly and open guy - kind of the opposite of his sister. He learned a lot from his travels - from being around other people and other cultures - and is much more open-minded and has a lot of perspective on the world because of this. He'd be much less cruel to you if he were to find you as a result. With that said, though, he's not the most perceptive in the world - so there would be a fair few unaware things with him.

Grumpy Lucas

Lucas had an absolute blast traveling. He partied from one end of the planet to the other, going from one country to the next without really thinking about it. The last ten years of his life have been a drunken blur and now he's back home and out of cash he's extremely grumpy that the fun has stopped and his parents are making him settle down.

Like his sister, then, he has a lot of anger issues. Unlike his sister, though, he has a bevy of other problems. Aimee takes her studies pretty seriously - Lucas does not. Lucas is far more interested in the partying side of being a student. He most certainly has a drinking problem and he probably does a fair amount of drugs too. He likes casual sex with vapid women (and men) and generally just being a douche. A live fast die young sorta type.

He's handsome - youthful even in his thirties - and, given that he drinks more than he eats, he's also skinny. Not a bag of bones or anything - he actually looks quite good for it - though if you look closer at him you'll notice the bags underneath the eyes and the bad breath and his strange odor.

This Lucas is an absolute bastard - the last person that you'd want to bump into. He won't take you or anything that you say seriously. The best thing that you'll become to him is some kinda party trick - he'll whip you out in front of someone that he's trying to impress and then, you know, eat you. Or maybe use you in some weird sex game with whatever booty call he has that night. The worst thing that he'd do to you is, well... stuff you in an orifice on the spot if you're annoying. Or step on you. Who knows?

Enlightened Lucas

Like grumpy Lucas, this Lucas had a very sinful youth - drinking and fucking his way across the world, essentially. The difference here though is that at the tail end of his journey he ended up bumping into a bunch of religious monks. With the last of his money, he spent a good couple of years with them, learning their ways, tempering himself, and becoming rather spiritual.

He has a lot of regrets - both for spending his grandfather's money so carelessly and for treating the opportunity to travel as little more than an excuse to party. Now that he's back home, he's doing his best to remain true to what he learned from the monks, but he's also struggling not to fall off the path now that he's away from them and return to his old ways. Because of his new spirituality he can also be a little arrogant and judgmental at times - for example, he's constantly lecturing his sister about her anger issues - even if he has some of those himself.

He's a pretty handsome fox, but he doesn't care much about fashion or self care. As a result, his pelt is a little wild and fluffy and untamed, and his build is of someone who used to be skinny but is now starting to get just a little soft around the edges. A little chubby, but mostly... normal, I guess?

This Lucas is a touch... unpredictable, let's say. While he's probably going to take reasonably good care of you if you say the right things to him and bolster his ego, he's not going to take kindly to you if you attempt to challenge his worldview. Infact, given that he has a secret fetishism for tiny people - kind of like his sister - he just might use you for a little... stress relief.

That's it! The poll will end on Sunday this week.

Suggestion Box Reminder

For this month's bonus ending I'll be picking a suggestion out of the suggestion box that I opened up earlier in the month. Lots of people have sent lots of fun ideas in, so, thank you very much for that!

I'll be picking one out at the end of the month. This is just a gentle reminder that there is now ten days to drop one in - so, if you'd like to do so, the link is right here!

I think that's it. I'm going to try to have a short story up for everyone this week - and I will see you with a brand new vorey game at the end of the month too. It's gonna be big - maybe a little huge, even. See you then!


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