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Hello everyone! Good Monday! I hope you're all having a good start to the week, wherever you might be.

I'm sorry for screwing up and having to delete the first post! I forgot to set it to multiple choice. Given the wide array of options here I think multiple choice would be best for this poll, so I decided to go ahead and delete the old post. Apologies for the double notification and all that.


It's time for a poll.

Let's talk about last polls results. Male was the victor at 29 votes. In second place came gynomorph at 24 votes and in third place came female with 22. These results are fairly close to each other, and, while I do want to honor male as the winner since it was the leader, I would like to include second place at least somewhat here, so...

... here's how this poll is going to work! This poll is going to star eight characters. There's going to be six male options and two gynomorph options.

In the interest of fairness, I will be giving all of the males a three vote lead. Unfortunately I can't reflect this in the polls, so, just pretend that all the boys have those three extra votes attached to their score, alright?

I was tempted to add a female character too, but I didn't want it to end up dominating the poll. What I will say to people wanting female content though is that there will be plenty of it included in v1.2 as a bunch of characters will be getting new endings anyways.

I know this is a little complicated, but, with so many characters in the poll, I did want to add a little variation. I also looked over the results and noticed that many of the people who voted for male also voted for gynomorph so I figured that it wouldn't be completely unwelcome.

The personalities of these characters won't be super fleshed out in this poll and there's good reason for that - when this poll is done at the end of the week, I'll be popping up a disposition poll where you'll all get to vote on their personality. For now, this is just some basic information - something to give you a basic idea of what they may be like.

So! Let's get on with things.

Jake Matthews (Bunny)

Jake Matthews - or, perhaps, Mr. Matthews - is Ms. Matthews older brother. How old? Somewhere in his mid-forties.

Like her, he's a bunny, although his pelt is a dusty brown color rather than a snow white. Unlike his sister, he's also rather industrious - a hard worker in comparison to her more slackerish sort of type - to the point where he's quite the muscular bunny. Don't get me wrong, he's not a bulging mass of muscle or anything, but... he's certainly a little less soft than she is.

What does he work as? Why is he at the school? Well, he's an architect. He works with a company that's currently planning an expansion to the college, so he's wandering around and making plans.

Lucas Dubois (Fox)

Lucas Dubois is Aimee's older brother. He's in his late twenties to early thirties, and, like his sister, he's a student at the college - just a more mature one.

He's a great deal more... directionless than his sister. When he turned eighteen, James ended up scoring a rather large inheritance out of his grandfather's will. Rather than save it or spend it wisely, he spent around a decade traveling around the world and blowing it. Now out of money, he's been forced to come home and get himself an education so that he can, you know, get a half-decent job.

Why is he wandering around? Simple - he's waiting for his sister to get done studying in the library.

Edward Smith (Deer)

Edward Smith is Janice's father. He's somewhere in his late forties.

What's Edward's deal? Well, he's a teaching assistant at the college - specifically, assisting in the gym. He's a pretty clever guy, though, unlike Janice, his intelligence lies more in physical pursuits. He's one of those guys that knows what every muscle in his body is called - and how to both work and relax them to boot. Over the years, though, he's developed a bit of an eating habit and, as a result, has something of a dad bod. Dad bod deer? Sure!

He works at the college, so him just wandering around doing stuff after hours sort of makes sense.

Elizabeth Williams (Raccoon)

Elizabeth Williams (or, Liz for short) is Mike's older sister. She's one of the gynomorph options, so, prepare for her to be packing a dick. She's in her late twenties to early thirties.

Elizabeth - like her brother - is something of a slacker. Unlike her brother, though, she never went into upper education. She's a free spirit who dropped out of high school and has floated from minimum wage job to minimum wage job ever since, mostly using her wages to cover her rent and pay for whatever weed she wants to smoke that particular month.

Her current minimum wage job is at the college - which is why she's wandering around there! She's a janitor.

Barnabus Fournier (Domestic Cat)

Barnabus Fournier (or, Barnie) is Jackie's father. He's in his late forties. He used to be a fairly agile cat, but now that he's getting on his years, he's a lot less spry and more chubby than he used to be.

Barnie is a lot more mild-mannered than his daughter. More of a gentle sort. He works for the same lab that Edelbert (the mean otter antagonist from Oscar's route) works for. This means that he might be familiar with the science that made you shrink in the first place. Will he be helpful when he finds you, or, will he want to erase you to cover up the lab's wrongdoings? Who knows - that's something that'll be decided next poll - if he wins, anyways.

He's not at the college for any science reasons, though. He's just wandering around while he waits for Jackie to finish her shift so that he can drive her home.

Gabriel Babin (Wolf)

Gabriel Babin is Claire's younger brother. He's in his late twenties. He's a young and athletic sort of type - skinny, the sort of build of a long distance runner might have.

Like his older sister, Gabriel works at the college. Specifically, he's a tutor that specializes in quite a few topics - mostly mathematics and science. He's a clever and reliable guy - a lot more confident than his sister - but, with that confidence comes a little... coldness. Claire is everyone's favorite teacher - but Gabriel is not everyone's favorite tutor. He can sometimes come across as a little arrogant.

He works at the college, so he has a good reason to wander around.

Sophie Miller (Red Panda)

Sophie Miller is one of Andy's Moms. She's in her early forties. She has a full and motherly sorta body, but... given that she's a gynomorph, what's between her legs is not traditional Mom equipment.

She's the head of the college's recruitment team. She's responsible for making sure that the college has as many new students as possible every semester. This is how Andy got his job as one of the people who gives potential new students a tour around the place - nepotism!

She works at the college, so, she has a perfectly good reason to be wandering around the place!

Connor Kelly (Otter)

Connor Kelly - our last candidate - is Oscar's older brother. Oscar has four older brothers and Connor is the oldest of them - specifically, he's somewhere around his late thirties.

Connor is... an odd and adventurous sort. Nobody really knows what he's up to, but it's usually something. His youngest brother is the type to wear his heart on his sleeve, and, Connor is not. His motivations are always a little mysterious.

He's wandering around the college because... well, this'll be determined by the disposition poll. If he wins, anyways!

That's it!

Those are our eight candidates. I tried to make them feel interesting and distinct in comparison to their relations while also making them feel... related, I guess.

I think that'll do for now! This is a pretty big poll with a lot of information in it already, so...

By the weekend - or maybe a little bit before - I'll have another story for everyone. Happy voting until then!



This is so hard to pick! I'm glad you made it multiple choice. Now if only there was a way to undergo mitosis so you'd have enough time/hands to write all of them.