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Hello everyone!

Since I am already doing four polls this month for the roaming NPC I thought I might mix up how I do the bonus ending this month. Rather than run a couple of polls about it, I thought it might be fun if I opened up a suggestion box where you can all drop some ideas in for endings that I can write and then I can just pluck one out of it at the end of the month!

I won't be picking out an ending randomly, I will be picking out the one that I like the most or the one that I think would make for the neatest ending. If there's a lot of endings that I like then I might choose a few and roll a dice or something but the point here is that the selection process won't be entirely random.

Here are some rules:

1) The endings can be about whatever you like. There are no limits on kink here and it's extremely unlikely that I'm not going to pick an ending because it features a certain kink. Go wild - I want to see what you like.
2) With that being said, I am more likely to pick endings that make sense for the character in question. Asking for more mean aware content with Aimee is understandable because she's a mean character but asking for a mean aware scene with Janice is unlikely to happen because, hey, Janice isn't all that mean.
3) Existing characters only. Try to make it something that could happen in their area or one of the areas in the game. If the idea requires a new area (like, you suggest a scene in a bathroom or something) it's not out of the question that I will pick it but it does make it significantly less likely.
4) Perhaps the most important rule - you can submit between
one and three ideas every month I open this up. I have no way of enforcing this or really knowing if you submitted one idea or three hundred so please be honest about this and not game the system.
5) Less of a rule and more of an assurance, but - the form itself harvests no data beyond the answers that you give, so please don't worry about this giving me access to your email address or anything.

I think that's about it! Here's the form:

For those of you who enjoy the bonus ending polls, don't worry about them going anywhere - I will probably do one next month, even. On months that are going to be poll heavy in other ways (like the roaming NPC here) I will probably do this though because I don't want to end up posting six polls in a single month!

I think that's about it. I wanted to get this out of the way relatively early so that people would have plenty of time to come up with ideas. I will draw an ending from this pile and announce which one I am doing on November 30th so that's the deadline to get your ideas in.

Have fun! I really look forward to seeing what you all come up with.



I'm not sure who to say it for, but more bad endings that don't involve death right away could be interesting. A character turning you into a little living anklet until you slowly starve, another like aimee putting you on permanent cock cleaning duty forcing you to eat nothing but her... 'love'... and drink nothing but sweat for the rest of your life, a similar idea with insole entrapment but with crumbs on the soles instead? Bones slowly breaking and knitting back together under constant tread until you, in the darkness, become a warped-yet-living contour of that pressing paws pad... the cold fresh air when the paw retreats for the night soon stings your raw flesh, and the only time you truly feel comfortable now is when you're underfoot. Do they even remember you're in here? Did they even know to begin with? How long has it been? Could even be a scene with a cow pred which eats you, but because cows are ruminoids, you stay trapped in his rumen forever... a lifetime stealing what food and water you can from an endlessly rolling cavern of slop which is only capable of digesting fiber, praying you wont one day be washed away into the more corrosive stomaches of your new everything as you sleep in its thick tide~ It's been a while since I played the game, so forgive me if scenes like this are more common now, haven't had the time to try out the latest versions <3


These are great actually! More entrapment scenes are ALWAYS good and this comment reminds me that I need to include more of 'em in the game. There are a handful already but given that entrapment stuff is super fun the game could always do with scenes like this. I'll keep these in mind! Funnily enough the rumen entrapment is something that I've thought about for a while. If I ever manage to get a cow macro in this game somehow it's definitely something that I'm going to do - the ruminoid angle of cows is something that doesn't get explored enough