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Hello everyone!

I usually start the month off with a status report, but I've decided to belay that a little. I'd like to solidify my schedule and figure out what's getting finished before talking about what's coming so that I don't make the same mistake as last month. So expect something toward the end of the week on that front.

It wouldn't feel right if I didn't do something on the first of the month, though, so I decided to do a poll today.

In v1.2 I will be adding a new roaming NPC. Said NPC will wander around the lobby, the computer lab. the library, the lecture hall, and both corridors. They will have interactions with characters in the area that are populated - so, for example, they'll have something with Aimee in the library. My first thought was that this character would be a janitor, but after mulling it over I've come to the realization that the character could be multiple things.

So, this first poll is going to be deciding what exactly this roaming NPC is. After this poll, I'll run a poll for their species - and after that, I'll run a poll for their disposition. EDIT: I realised that I forgot gender so I will also run a fourth poll for that. Final order is this poll, gender, species, then disposition. One poll per week on this for the rest of the month, basically!

I have come up with three options for roamers that might be fun. One of them is specific while the other two are a little more general to allow for a bit of flexibility later on. Let's get into them, shall we?


It's a janitor! This is what I had in mind initially because it made most sense to me as a roamer. They're scooting around looking for messes to clean up because that's their job.

They will have the usual vore scenes - and interactions with other characters - but, they will probably also have a scene or two where you end up getting swept into the trash and have to deal with that. They might also leave traps around. You know, for pests like you!

In terms of age, they'll be somewhere in their mid-thirties. 

College Counselor

A college counselor! They're wandering around to see if there are any students that need their help. Given that you're an inch or so high you definitely need help, so... being found by them might lead to you being taken back to their office! Whether they'll be nice or mean to you there will be decided by the ol' disposition poll.

They'll also have a score of vore scenes and interactions with other characters! Goodness knows that Aimee needs a little therapy.

This character will be somewhere in their mid-forties.

Student Parent/Older Sibling

A parent or older sibling of one of the students. Whether it's parent or sibling and whose relative it is exactly will be decided by the species poll that follows. I will include an option for all of the main characters in the game. Anyway, I'll go into it more then! Just know that they'll be wandering around the school waiting for or looking for the character that they're related to. 

They'll have a host of vore scenes and a bunch of interactions and will probably indirectly reveal some more background information about whatever character they're related to.

The age of this character could vary from the mid-twenties to their late-forties. If this option wins, I'll reveal more details in the species poll.

That's it! This poll will end on Sunday, so make sure you get your votes in before then.

Welcome to November, everyone. There will be some fun stuff coming this month! The next time I post, I'll be telling you all about it.

Happy voting!



Damn what a tough choice....!