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Hello everyone!

So before I get into what this story is about, I'd like to introduce a new Kyobi form to everyone! For a long time (like, the past year and a half or more) I've been thinking about what a dragon version of Kyobi might look like. Why? Well, I've gone on about it on here before, but... I adore dragons. They're wonderful.

So, after putting my head together with a couple of people (including the artist who drew this, the lovely RioRix) this is ended up being the result!

Meet Kyodragon! Or, well... Kyodrake, I suppose, since a drake is a landbound dragon without any wings. She can't fly! She's already scary enough without that.

So... what is this form, you might be asking? Is it her first and most primordial form? Her final and most powerful form? Some kind of illusion that she can cast on herself? To be honest, I'm not quite sure yet - I just know that she looks drop dead gorgeous as a dragon. Or a drake. Whatever, look at that fur! And that big glowy mouth! And those paws! Those paws!!!

So enamored was I with the final result of this design that I couldn't help myself but write a very mean story involving her eating a poor monster hunter. It's Halloween themed because she's fucking terrifying.

Nothing that happens in this story is canon per-say - her abilities and especially her size may change over time - it's just me having a lot of fun with an alt character design that I absolutely adore.

A monster hunter rides toward what he's been told is a very easy assignment. Unfortunately, he won't know that he's in over his head until it's far, far too late.
4000 Words (Contains: Paw Crush, Gore, Oral Vore, Implied Digestion, Implied Soul Vore)


If you're a big fan of regular ol' vixen Kyobi then don't worry. She's not going anywhere - I don't plan for her to be in her dragon form especially often. It's a special thing for special occasions so if she was spamming it or even talking about it all the time then that would make it considerably less special I feel.

On a side note, unrelated to the story, thank you so much to everyone for being patient and understanding with me despite my silly excitement and the delay that came about because of it. I hope I'll be able to make it up to everyone next month!

Happy reading!



Christmas has come early! Kyobi as a dragoness, what a sight. My tulpa is a dragoness and she is quite similar to Kyobi in her demeanor. So I'm very excited about your future stories featuring Kyodrake :D .


AAAA thank you so much it was lovely to read this and see your excitement! I'm glad I'm not the only dragon enthusiastic, and I'm also very excited for Kyodrake's future :3 :3