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Hello everyone!

First of all, I would like to apologize. I massively overpromised on what I could deliver this month. I put this down to two things - one, me being overhyped and full of energy when I came back from vacation, and, two, a desire to do more this month because I took said vacation and wanted to make it up to everybody.

I am not going to sit here and self-flagellate about this, but, both of these things are pretty stupid and I should have known better. I've been doing this for a while so I'm quite aware of what I'm capable of doing in a month and for some reason I thought I could deliver an update to my game, a brand new game, two large commissions, and three small vignettes - all while continuing to develop Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest, because, yes, I am still making that. I think a small team would struggle to accomplish this so the fact that I haven't managed to do that on my own in three weeks isn't surprising. 

For that reason alone I am not disappointed in myself - hence the lack of self-flagellation - but I completely understand if you are disappointed in me. I promised these things because I thought I could do them and I failed to deliver them because it was really too much for me and I didn't think about it before opening my big fat muzzle. That sucks and you have a right to be upset. The only thing I can do to make up for it is to promise to have more realistic expectations of myself in future - which is something that I will do.

I have not failed to hit the goals of my Patreon this month - which is to deliver a game update about 15kish words monthly - but I have failed my own self-imposed goals. I think the thing to do in future then is to self-impose upon myself less.

So. What is being delayed?

The Hungry House is almost complete but it is almost certainly not going to be done by the end of the month. Over the last month the face of the game has changed a lot. At first it was more of a survival horror sort of thing but after doing some playtesting I found that it made for a pretty unsatisfying and frustrating game so I have done something very different with it that is hopefully satisfying and certainly not frustrating. Despite this though this one won't be delayed massively and it should appear during the first week of November. It's very cool and I am very much looking forward to showing it off to everyone.

The big commission will be coming some time next month. The reason for this is simple - it ended up being much longer than I thought it would. The commissioner has been very generous and has not only given me plenty of time but an ample budget to work with. This has resulted in a story that looks like it's going to be about 30,000 words long at the very least - or, in other words, a small novel. It even has chapters and stuff. Look forward to this. I have been working on it all month - I wrote about 10,000 more words to make it 20,000 - but it's probably not going to show up until next month.

At least one of the vignettes is going to fall into the pan, but the person who bought it has been kind enough to let the words roll into next month, so that will just result in a larger vignette next month.

I will have the story that I spoke about earlier in the week up before the end of the month, though. That's going to be about 4000 or maybe 5000 words long, and it will be quite Halloweeny.

Again, I apologize for this. I will do better to manage expectations in future and not end up promising a ton of stuff that I cannot reasonably deliver. I have learned a valuable lesson from this - which is that, no matter how much energy you might have, you can only really do so much in a certain span of time.

I hope everyone understands, and I also hope that all have a lovely weekend too!



Hey, don't worry about it. You wanted to deliver, overestimated, and failed. That happens to the best of us when excitement gets the better of us. The main thing is, things will happen and you're working on it. Like I always say: Quality is more important. And you always deliver super high-quality stories and often way above what we expected or you promised. So yeah, take your time, and give us those incredible stories, written with a calm mind and unanxious dependencies about the future~


this comment kept me going even when things were a little rough. thank you!