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Hello everyone!

I have a mean headache but I wanted to do this before the end of the week, so, here we are! With said headache in mind though I am going to try and make this beginning of the month sitrep thing a little more concise than usual. For example I'm going to skip the polls section that I usually do because I've already said what the polls will be this month, so...

... here it is! A rough plan of what I will be posting for everyone to (hopefully) enjoy this month.

The Hungry House

Last month - or maybe around the end of September, I can't remember - look, the point is it was about a month ago now - I announced that I was making a horror-themed text adventure called The Hungry House. This month I will be releasing it (to those in the $10 tier, I'll probably be dropping it to the public in January or so)

My initial plan was to have it ready by the end of October for Halloween, but, over the process of development, my idea on what the game should be changed slightly - mostly because the original idea (you're in a spooky cabin and things are hunting for you) turned out to make for a frustrating game that hinged too much on RNG/random chance. So, at around the middle of October, I decided to change what I was doing and design something different. This lead to the game being delayed.

My original plan was to publish it around the beginning of November. After taking a couple of days to think about it, I've decided that I am instead going to work on it for the rest of the month.

The reason for this is simple. While I could launch the game in a few days by finishing up the last couple of essential scenes, I have instead decided to use the rest of the month to add even more content to the game. This will not only include more vore scenes but just more stuff in general and will, ultimately, lead to a better game. This isn't something that I really plan on revisiting when it's done, after all - so taking a bit of extra time to ensure that it's the product that I want to release rather than something I have to release is good, I think.

With that said, though, this will be releasing this month. When? Not sure, but somewhere around the 30th of November - maybe a little earlier, but certainly not any time later. I'm not sure how many words of content there's going to be in it exactly given that I'll be spending the rest of the month writing more, but, as a shotgun estimate, I reckon we'll be looking at something that's about 40,000 words long.

As a result, there will be no A Tiny Furry In A Huge World update this month. I don't want to overstretch myself like last month and end up promising too many things. On top of this, I've been working pretty much non-stop on Huge World for the past few months and I think taking a month away from it will give me some much-needed distance for all the work that I'll be putting into v1.2. I hope everyone understands and that you'll enjoy this month's alternate offering!

A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest

It's been a little while since I've talked about this. There won't be anything coming in terms of an update for this game this month - and possibly not next month, either - but I want to take a moment to just assure everyone that I am still working on this even if I haven't spoke about it in a month or two.

So, progress... how is it? It's good. The game is forming up nicely. The prologue content is almost complete - as in, almost everything that I want in the prologue is there. There's one more area that I still need to poll and a couple of things that I want to polish up. The micro section of the game has received substantially less work but I plan on adding a shit ton of content to it before the game is seen and updated again.

I don't want to spoil what has been done and what yet still needs to be done because I want people to be able to explore and enjoy this game with all of the surprises that I want people to be... surprised by. 

The next time you see this game - probably around the beginning of next year - it will be almost if not entirely feature complete. A whole experience, a whole new game, a whole quest, one that's probably going to be about 400,000 words long.

I am working hard on it and I am looking forward to showing you all the fruits of my labor. When will that be? I'll let you know as soon as I can.


This month will have some! I am aiming to have at least two short stories out (both will be around 5000 words long) and I am also in the process of tidying up a fantasy vore novella that I've been working on for the past few months. Said vore novella will probably be close to 40,000 words when it's done. I am hoping that it will be done this month, but, if it isn't, I do have a backup story that I am close to finishing that's around 10,000 - so you might end up seeing that this month and the novella next month or maybe you'll see the novella this month and the backup story next. Point is, there will be three stories!

Mental Health

I'm doing good. I mean, not the best or anything. My head hurts, but I'm good. I'm probably going to take a nap now.

Peace and love to you all!


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