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Hello everyone! Before I dig into what this commission is all about I have a brief but important announcement that I would like to make.

During the first week of October (1st-8th) I will be taking a vacation. Specifically, I'll be going up to the mountains to see a couple of friends that I haven't seen since like... Covid started. I won't really have access to the internet while I'm there. This is a super happy accident because I'd like to disconnect from everything web-related while I'm there anyway. I've been plugged in for quite a while so getting away from the so-called information superhighway for a bit will be nice, I think.

During this time I will be doing my best to recharge my batteries, recuperate, and do some socializing. I might do some writing while I'm up there - I will be taking my laptop - but it'll very much be an at my own pace and inspiration sorta thing. When I come back, I'll obviously start the ball rolling again and get the content flowing as soon as possible, so... don't worry about that! I have lots of things planned for October, after all. A Halloween game, some spooky stories, plus that whole once-a-month update for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World... so, yeah, it's gonna be great!

I hope everyone understands!

Anyway. This one is a commission for a certain Norm Horseman. If you recognize the name then you know what you're in for because I've wrote a fair few stories for the big guy in the past! They generally involve a horse getting bigger (like, city level big) through the process of food, pampering, and fucking. And a little rampaging too, I guess. In other words - they're extremely raunchy growth pieces! You either love 'em or you hate 'em I think.

Specifically, this one is a pretty direct sequel to Norm's Ball which I apparently wrote back in... March. Geez. It really does feel like I wrote that about two or three months back. How time flies, huh?

Norm gets married to the feisty tiger Savannah and the motherly mouse Alice. We catch up with him at his wedding ceremony... where things quickly turn into chaos... and then we join him after the honeymoon where he goes on a massive rampage through the city with his two loving wives. 

CONTAINS: MGrowth, FGrowth, Dubcon, Feeding, Vore, Crushing, City Rampage, Sex (M/f)
or download the RTF below

Later on this week, before the end of the month, I'll have a poll for everyone... as well as a big stinking update - specifically, the final release of v1.1 of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus! I hope to see you all there!

Happy reading!


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