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Hello everyone!

It's time for a poll - specifically, a follow up to that character poll! I'm kinda surprised but the feral wolf won! He's been in a couple of polls before and he's kinda come close to winning before but this is the first time that he has actually won.

I have precisely three ending options for him in mind. He already has oral vore so I decided to skip out on that one! I made them all unaware because... I dunno, I'm feeling like writing something unaware for this guy. He does like to talk to himself, though, so there'll be some dialogue regardless.

I hope that's okay, and, here they are!

Unaware Paw Crush

I'll add a muddy paw print in the wolf's little area that the player can wander into. Doing so will lead to you getting stomped on by the wolf. You'll get stuck to his paw for a little while, stepped on a bunch and slowly crushed, and then, y'know, the inevitable happens and you're in bits. This one will probably be pretty miserable. 

Unaware Mawplay/Sheath Stuckage

I'll add a patch of grass to the wolf's area that the player can screw around in. Doing so will lead to you ending up in the wolf's stinky feral maw. He will then groom himself and... well, you'll end up getting stuck in a very unfortunate place. A place that's musky and steamy and... yup!

Unaware Sitting/Butt Crush/Anal Vore

A comfortable bed of wild flowers will be added to the wolf's area that the player can frolic in. Doing so will lead to you getting very intimate with the feral wolf's musky backside. I want to note that while this will feature anal vore, it's going to be very light, and there's going to be considerably more of an emphasis on his cheeks/tailhole.

That's it! Make sure you get your votes in before the end of the month because the poll will be closing on the 30th.

I will have another little post for everyone in a bit. Until then!


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