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Hello everyone!

Sorry to do back to back polls like this, but, with development on v1.1 of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World finishing at the end of the month, it seemed like a good time to start querying what kind of stuff you guys would like to see in v1.2. Basically - would you like a new character, or more endings for existing characters?

Note that independent of this poll I plan on adding a new character (a dragon named Bellus) and new scenes for existing characters regardless (Patreon bonus endings). This poll is more to track interest levels on what might excite you guys the most while also helping me plan what to develop next.

Or, to be completely clear - depending on the results of this poll, I'll either add a new character alongside Bellus or I'll focus on sprucing up existing characters/routes while also adding Bellus and the event room to the game proper, basically.

I have deliberately made this poll single choice since there's only two options. I'll keep it running until the end of the monthish, so there's plenty of times to consider your options and get your votes in.

The big story that I keep taking about should be up here over the weekend - along with a small announcement. Until then, happy voting, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weeks!


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