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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the lovely feedback that I've had on the final preview for v1.3 of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World! It really seems to have had a positive impact on a lot of people in a lot of ways, and that's always great to see!

The character poll for this month is over! Thank you so much for voting in it! Jamie won by 29 votes. Reiko was close behind with 27, though - so I've decided that I'm going to write an ending for both of them since it was so close. 

So... two bonus endings for May, then! I'm quite eager to write content for A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest, so I think I'll be able to pull it off along with the rest of the work that I'm planning to do.

In the case of Jamie, I'm not going to poll anything specific for his ending. I kind of have something in mind for him already. He's someone that I'd like to explore more when we get to the town area proper, so... I'd like to tease him in an appropriate way.

As for Reiko, though, I will poll a vore type! I'll likely do that tomorrow. Later on today I will be writing up and posting a big plan post/dev blog/update thing here with how I plan to proceed with development on A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest over the next few months. With the time for me to dive back into it drawing closer and closer, I've had a lot of thoughts on how I'll be doing things and I'd like to lay them out for the sake of transparency and so that, well, I feel like I had a concrete plan all laid out.

Being Human Chapter 5 might need a couple more days in the oven - so I probably won't be posting it this weekend. The chapter ended up being a little longer than I expected, and there are lots of juicy details that I want to tune up. I estimate I'll have it done around the middle of next week, though, so... expect it then!

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend, and I'll see you in a few hours with some fun stuff.


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