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Hello, everyone!

Sorry that this post didn't come yesterday as promised, but, it took a bit longer to put together than I thought it would. Because it's quite long, and, because it's the first time that I've put these words down on paper. I wanted to make sure that everything made sense and that all (or most) questions were answered, and that the plan over the next few months in terms of polls and stuff is made clear!

First of all, thank you so much for all of the support! We've gone over 100 patrons recently and that's really exciting! Welcome to new people! Welcome back to returning folk! And, to those who have always been here... this is going to be one of those super long posts where I talk about a bunch of stuff.

This is going to be a bit of a ramble. There's a TLDR at the end but if you want an extreme TLDR then, basically, there's going to be some fun polls over the next few months, I have a super good development plan for this project (I think), and, basically, things are going to continue as normal, at least in terms of game updates!

Tiny Furry In A Huge World

First of all, thank you again for all the kind words on the Rachel stuff!

For the remainder of the month, I'm going to be working on making some slight changes to that content (mostly in the movie theater) as well as some additions (mostly to the smut at the end) as well as doing some visual tweaks (possibly new backgrounds for all the areas) and making the necessary alterations to the college to account for the new intro.

I'm also going to be preparing a public release of the game ready for the end of May/beginning of June. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to release it, but... I'll likely cut the new Rachel content and the newest bonus endings and create like a v1.2+ or something like that. I like Patreon to be a version ahead - it's one of the perks that you guys pay for, after all - so I'll make sure to keep the newest stuff exclusive until v1.4 is eventually in development!

Aside from that, though, I don't have much to say about this project... because the next few months are going to be about something else! And that is...

Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest

Since, at least in terms of game development, I'm going to be focusing entirely on getting this finished over the next few months, I'd like to make my approach as transparent as possible. This means ranting about everything and anything for a bit.

Three Game Plan

I haven't really talked about this in detail, before, but...

Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest initially entered my mind as one game. You get shrunk in a fantasy town - and you have to figure out how to get big again. It'd be like Tiny Furry In A Huge World but in a larger area and with a fantasy theme, effectively.

However, since that vision a year or so ago, the foundations and the idea for the game has changed considerably, at least, for me as a creative. I now have a story that I want to tell in three parts. Ideally I'd do this in one game, but since Quest becomes more and more finicky the bigger things get, I have to split it into three.

The first game comprises of the prologue and the tavern as a micro, the second game comprises the rest of the town as a micro, and the third game comprises... another area as a micro. That's the current idea, and, with how I've laid out the plot, should work magnificently and be easily achieveable.

I originally said that I would poll whether or not I continue with this and make the second and third game, but, I've decided that it would be a waste of a poll. I'm not only confident in what I created but I honestly wouldn't be able to sit right with the idea of potentially throwing it to the gallows. It's become my creation now, and I want to finish it.

Finishing it is a process that will take several years, most likely. The first game took the majority of last year up in terms of game development time and will take several months of this year. The second game is quite a bit bigger in scope and could take even longer. The third game goes back to a single location, so... I mean, we're talking three or four years here before all three of them are finished. Is this a long time? Yes. Is it time that I'm willing to commit to write this story/write this porn? Yes. Is this time that you're willing to invest in me? 

Well, that's up to you, really! I hope that everyone is willing to stick by my side through this one and I hope that the eventual public release of these games encourages even more growth on the Patreon end of things. Obviously, the more money I get, the quicker I can develop the game and the more stuff I can do with, so... maybe development time will shorten if Patreon growth continues. Macroville's release brought a lot of attention to me so I'm hoping an even bigger game will... do that again, but bigger! Even if it doesn't, though, I've considered everything with the current budget in mind.

As always, there will be monthly updates to the game that I will pack full of as much content as possible. The frequency of these can only go up, really - I have no intentions of not publishing one or more game updates per month.

Not every month of development time over the next few years will be tied to these projects, either. I'll be continuing to add stuff to A Tiny Furry In A Huge World (sometimes small things, sometimes big things) and I'll definitely end up doing a quick 'mini-project' like Macroville every once in a while, too. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to focus exclusively on Quest's development - with big projects, it's always good to take a break every now and then to get some perspective.


Here is the bit where I talk about how polls are going to work while I work on stuff over the next few months, since the format is going to be changing a little bit!

Back when I was working on the game before, I was polling based on what I should work on that particular month. While this worked - to some extent at least - I felt rushed to get all of a character's content in by the end of the month. I'm also getting to the point in development where I need to kind of just focus on certain things on a month by month basis instead of leaving it entirely down to the people purely for the sake of efficiency.

So, instead of polling that stuff, I am instead going to be polling future characters. I'm getting to the point where I want to flesh out the world and the town a bit and it's hard for the current characters to talk about future characters when they're presently undetermined. I can't have Wilson go on about the blacksmith who may or may not be a bird but might also be a lion or maybe a lizard who knows. 

So, starting in May, I'll be doing polls about the future shape of the town. What sort of shops and services are prominent in Hellev? Who are the people running them? What are their species, their genders, etc, etc...

I will also start teasing these characters in-game, either by having other characters reference them or just by outright adding their area to the prologue!

Not every character will be determined by poll - I like to surprise people, after all - but, in the spirit of Tiny Furry In A Huge World (where practically every character was determined by a poll) I'd like this game to do the same. I'll also not be deciding every single character in this run of polls - just an important few. I'd like to leave some character polls for the sequel game, even if I do want to have some things determined now.

Bonus ending polls will continue as usual. I'll probably be skewing them toward Quest rather than World for the next few months (because I want the game to have as much content as possible) but, who knows, I might do a fun poll for World one month or something.

Prologue Updates

So, even though I've already tweaked it a bunch, I'll be reworking the prologue a fair bit over the next few months.

I'll be doing this in small phases - because I really want to focus more of my time on the macro/micro stuff - but I'll be tightening up the visuals, the script, adding stuff, and maybe removing a thing here or there. Over the past few months - entirely due to the break I've gotten from the project - I've been able to think more about the characters, the plot, and what I want to foreshadow. 

Basically, when I went into this I was just kind of throwing shit at a wall to see what stuck but now that it's become a legitimate (and huge) project that's going to span two games or more I've had a lot of time to think about stuff, and I'd like the prologue to reflect my current thoughts. These aren't massively game changing or anything, and they certainly won't detract heavily from my development of the vore and the porn and stuff, nor will they elongate the prologue to an unnecessary length.

I also want to add a new area here or there - both to flesh out the town a bit and the people who live in it, as well as foreshadow events that might happen there later when you're small! Naturally, these will feature the characters that I talked about polling earlier.

More Content/Endings For Every Character

Rather than add a bunch more characters to the micro segment in the tavern, I'd rather focus on giving the characters that already exist there more interactions. This would be things like vore stuff, dialogue, and other fun stuff.

To give an example of this - I'd like both Clint and Tia to be encounterable in the prologue. Depending on what you say to them - or whether you avoid them entirely - might later influence the scenes you'd have with them later, much like how Reiko's stuff alters depending on whether or not you've gotten a reading from her. This kind of stuff is cool and adds replayability and generally just makes the world and it's characters feel more alive.

I won't be getting bogged down in writing a bunch of alternate scenes, so, if you're worried about me becoming hyper focused on tiny details, don't be. It'll either influence existing scenes in small ways, or, every once in a while, give you an alternate scene. Since I'm writing this by myself - and with a timeframe in mind - I don't want to end up giving myself a thousand different possibilities to have to account for.

I'll be adding a couple of new items along the line, too, and I'd like them to have appropriate endings/sequences attached to experimenting with them.

There will be one new character added to the bar - or the bar's kitchen, anyway - and a whole new area added in the form of a basement, which will provide encounters with... several other things! So if you're excited for new content with new characters, don't worry - there's plenty of that to come.


Gianna is the one new character that's getting added to the micro tavern area. She's Wilson's sister, so, she's pretty important!

She'll be getting a new area in the form of a kitchen. You'll be able to get into plenty of scrapes in there with the vixen - and without her - and maybe even pick up a fun new item or two in the process!

I've spoken about the content that she's getting before, but, in short - she's going to be getting oral vore, a food transformation thing, and a cooking vore thing, too. Over the course of the months I imagine she'll get other stuff added in the form of bonus endings plus whatever else I decide to throw at her - so expect her to have unbirth and anal vore stuff added at some point down the line, too!

During the month of May I'm going to be focusing on getting her content fleshed out. For the most part! I'll be doing some other stuff, too - those bonus endings and maybe something for Clint - but in terms of new stuff, she's the next character on the block!

Now, onto some news that might be disappointing...

The Bard

So, the bard. I've tussled with this decision for a while. Without pulling any punches, they're getting cut - at least, from this version. Whether they'll pop up in the sequel or whether they'll end up getting added as 'DLC' later on is up in the air right now but he's not something that's going to be happening in the immediate future. There are a few reasons for this. For the sake of transparency, I'm going to go into all of them. If you're not interested, then just scroll past this part I guess.

The first and probably the most important reason is time. By cutting this character from the first release of the game then I'll be able to prepare the first release of the game quicker. It's that simple, really. The work involved in adding an entirely new character to the tavern - especially someone playing an instrument - at this point isn't just writing his endings, but also incorporating him into everyone's actions and dialogue'. I should've planned for him sooner, but I didn't, and I ended up writing too much of the tavern before incorporating that particular character. That one is on me.

Second of all, if I were to add another character to the tavern, then that might be served by a character who'll appear later in the game. Since I'm going to be polling every character in the town from next month onwards, it might be cool to have the apothecary or the blacksmith or the whomever appear as a cameo instead, just to flesh out and maybe tease the second game a bit more. Plus, knocking some shady apothecary or whatever in the corner instead of a music-playing bard is a lot easier. People probably pay less/no significant attention to him at all.

Third and probably least important - at least, from my point of view - there's nothing wrong with sticking him on the backburner and maybe waiting until the sequel to introduce him. It's a shame to do so because it would've been genuinely neat to have an avian character in the first part - but, again, maybe point two will help rectify that. I understand that Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest is mostly mammals and a lizard right now but that will change in the near future. It's one of the reason why I want to start polling the rest of the town, even if they won't appear outside of the prologue - it's a good way of diversifying the cast.

Anyway. My sincerest apologies - they would've been a cool character to have - but in order to forge forward with the project, the birdy bard is going to have to be dropped until a later date.

The Basement

This is honestly one of the things that I am cutting the bard in favor for. I've had some really neat ideas over the past few months over what I can do with this area, and, I'm really excited to work them into the game! There'll be new lore, new characters, and lots of vore.

Without going into massive spoilers - because I'd like this content to be cool and new and exciting - you're essentially going to come into contact with an infestation of... strange micros that have infested themselves in Wilson's basement. You'll also be able to venture into the basement, battle rats and other basement-dwelling creatures, and maybe, just maybe, uncover why Wilson's booze tastes like shit.

I'll be adding this after I'm done with Gianna's stuff... and I'll also be unveiling some more details about it around then! So expect to hear some more on this over the next month or two as the plan for this area gets finalized.

New Game+

Now this I can't really talk about at all, but it's something that's coming. It'll be really cool, and it'll have lots of vore and lore and all kinds of crazy shit. You'll just have to trust me on this one.

You might've heard this expression used in other games before. Without spoiling anything - it's basically exactly that. Cheers!

Wrap Up

With all of the above in mind, then, I'm going to lay out the game's development schedule for the next few months. I've given myself six months to do this in. I want to have this game completed by the end of October! This might sound like a long time - or maybe it sounds really short - but, either way, there is lots of work to be done. And this length of time gives me plenty of time to take reasonable breaks, write my commissions, and not like... not kill myself. This way, I can also add some stuff into World while I'm working here, too, meaning that game won't be left alone for months on end!

There will, of course, be monthly preview builds containing all of this stuff.

I plan on adding other new content other than this - the new locations in the prologue, bonus endings for every character, edits to the games visuals, and, just... lots of stuff. More stuff than I could possibly talk about even in a post as long as this one. So consider this more of a rough overview than a definitive list of what content will be added exactly. Something like a TLDR, I guess!

May - Gianna
June - Gianna Clean-Up/The Basement Begins
July - The Basement Concludes
August - Basement Clean Up/The End
September - New Game+/Something Extra
October - Clean Up/Bugfix/Typofix/Bonus Content/Finish the game month

That's it! Yep, we're done. I hope that this is clear, and, most importantly, reasonable and easy to understand. Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest's script is currently 200,000 words long. By the end of development, I wager that it'll be between 400,000 - 500,000 words long. So, over the next few months

In a few hours (after I've gotten some sleep) I'll be posting a new poll for Reiko's bonus ending! If you missed the announcement, then our poll-winning boy Jamie will be getting an ending, too - it just won't be polled because I have something fun in mind already!

If you read this all the way through, then, thank you! If you have any questions, please leave 'em in the comments or shoot me a direct message and I'll be happy to reply!

I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend!


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