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Hey everyone!

It's been a long night, but I've managed to get everything finished!

This is the final preview for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World v1.3. I'll be posting the final final version of v1.3 at the end of the month. It will have, amongst other things, several new endings (including one with our new Fae dragon) and a couple of fun additions to the new Rachel content also, as well as some tightening up all round. This is technically a first (albeit full) draft of a 50,000 word script - so don't mind if you see any typos here and there. I will fix them!

In terms of bugs, though, this thing has been rigorously tested and should be bug-free. There are quite a few different branches and stuff, though, so as much as I've tested everything, some things might slip through the net! I'll be on board for a couple of hours tonight before I sleep just in case there's anything major, but expect any minor bugs to also be fixed by the end of the month along with all the typos and stuff.

An enormous amount of work went into this so please enjoy!


- Rachel
content is now finished, adding a total of 50,000 words to the game. This means that Tiny Furry In A Huge World now has 400,000 words of content. To say that I haven't been 'actively' developing this game for the past year, I have somehow added 200,000 words of content since the last public release in March. Combined with the almost 300,000 words that Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest's script is which I started around this time last year... yeah. Maybe I should stop telling myself that I don't do enough work.

- Unlike the other routes, though, there is no vore/insertion on this route. But there is some smut - mostly revolving around boobs and butts. It's a romantic and somewhat mushy tale between you and a regrown and very giant Rachel - who is the shrunken dog that you meet in Emily's route. I was going to add vore to it originally - but I decided that this isn't really a story that I wanted to be infested with bad feeling and tragedy. It's a nice story! It's meant to make you feel nice! And maybe a little squirmy?

- There are four endings total. One of them is romantic, the other two are basically game over states, and the other one is... well, a secret. A dumb one, but a secret nonetheless! It shouldn't be too hard to find. The romantic ending isn't hard to achieve, either - as always, you know, don't be a dick. Or do! It's your choice. Also - it's important that you expend all the dialogue options. Or don't! It's your choice, but you won't get the good ending if you don't talk her up a bit, you know?

- How do you access this? Simple! All you need to do is get the best ending for Emily's route and successfully escape with Rachel! To do this, basically don't be a dick to her. Then, at the bottle cap, pick the option that this isn't your story. 

Alternatively, if you don't want to read all of that stuff, then if you look in Patreon Cheats (available on the brand new main menu) then you'll find a skip called Big Rachel Content that will take you straight to the new content.

If a non-vore route doesn't sound like your thing, then, don't worry! This kind of thing isn't going to be a focus for me - it just served as a nice palette cleanser. And people have been asking for a less... vorey route for a while, so...

- It's quite long (and there's a few different choices you might want to hit) so I've made it so that you can save whenever you want without anything glitching. The only thing that might erase itself is the background. With Quest being Quest, there's not a ton I can do about this! It'll come back when the scene changes, though. The ideal time to make a save is right when you're about to go the movies on the second day - as that is where all of the game changing decisions take place.

help i'm a little stuck i don't know what to do next
Just fuck around with stuff. Or wait a bit! Something will happen eventually.

The title screen has changed again
- The logo has changed again. Don't expect this to be the final one, though, I'm still fucking around with it
- Credits have finally been added!
- Patreon cheats now has a classic start option because...

- The intro has been overhauled completely, adding new backgrounds and rewrote text
- You are now dropped into the West Wing Corridor rather than the Lecture Hall, conveniently placed much closer to Emily and the new Rachel content
- You also start with a push pin nearby so no more fucking around to get one of those
- Please NOTE: I haven't changed any of the text surrounding the new segment, which means that when you drop into the West Wing Corridor it doesn't really account for that being your new start. Also, when you enter the lecture hall, it acts as if you're leaving it for the first time due to old code. I will fix this up before the end of the month!

If you have yet to play v1.3, then you might've missed the new stuff I've added already. These endings are all pretty chunky - chunkier than your average ending in A Tiny Furry - and, all together, add up to around 20,000 words. Neat!

- Hannelore has a new peaceful ending involving mawplay
- Aimee has a brand new ending that involves mawplay and you getting plastered in her cum
- Oscar has a new sheathplay ending
- Jackie had a brand new anal vore scene added
- Janice and Charlotte have a brand new slumber party ending that's really fun
- You can access all of these easily from the main menu, or, find 'em in game!

I think that's it!

I could go a huge ramble. All I will say, though - for my pillow is calling my name and this post is already long - is that this content is something special to me. In a weird way writing it was kind of like a tribute to the past two years of my life writing this stuff... and as a result, it's become kind of personal to me. Even if you don't enjoy non-vore content, I suggest that you try it. Who knows? You might be surprised.

... and if you really don't enjoy non-vore content, then, don't worry. I write vore. Vore and paws and big swingin' balls. That's the thing I write. It's never gonna stop, baby!

Happiest of playing!


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