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Hi everyone!

MYSTERY won the last poll, which means...

... it is time to decide gender.

Gender of what? Who? Huh? Well, I will explain. A little bit!

I will be adding a brand new character to the game. Who is this character? I can't tell you because that would spoil the mystery. They're not a student though, I'll tell you that much! 

For now, they will only be making a brief appearance. It's kind of like... a tease for the future, or something like that. 

I haven't decided if it's going to be a vending machine or if it's going to be some item that's lying around somewhere (probably an item somewhere it's more world-building and that's good) but you'll be able to interact with whatever it is will lead to you getting ate by this character. Will it be aware? Unaware? Who knows? Well, me, but I'm not telling. They're going to have a tummy room and all of the works, so it's going to be a pretty feature-packed ending.

But, yeah, that's the gist of it! There's going to be two polls, both ran this weekendish. The first one (this one) is going to be gender. The second is going to be species. The ending itself is either going to be in the game at the end of the month or the beginnish of the next, depending on how things go!

Speaking of how things are going, I should have Hannelore and Aimee's new peaceful endings plus some other stuff in a game update that I'll be uploading around the end of the weekend! I should also have at least one new story (if not two!) for everyone to read before then as well.

Happy voting!


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