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Male wins, so, our mystery character is going to be a boy. Or, a man more appropriately, I guess. Another tidbit since it might influence how you pick their species - they are going to be a bit older than the other characters. Not like... ancient, but late thirties sorta early forties. An older male character would be cool I think, since the other guys are all college-aged.

So, in other words, he's older and wiser. He's definitely not a student. He's also not a teacher, buuuuut he is a high-ranking member of staff. What is he? Well, that's part of the mystery, but hopefully that'll be enough info to make your decision here a little easier. 

Anyway! I just kinda threw a bunch of random species onto a list here. I tried to include two from a few brackets - so, two canines, two lizards, two birds, etc. It's not Noah's Ark because they're all dudes. Feel free to vote for as many or as few as you like!

I will have that Tiny Furry In A Huge World preview up in a few hours. Until then, happy voting!


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