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Hey everyone!

News! I have one commission ready to post - got it done this weekend, actually - but the person who commissioned it has yet to read it because they're not very well. I like the first person to read the story to be the person who commissioned it generally (unless I've been talking about the damn thing on Patreon for 2 months or something) so as soon as they've read it I'll post it for everyone else to enjoy.

On Aimee and Hannelore's endings... I am currently working on both! Rather than upload them as just plain text, I'm going to compile them into the game and then just upload a preview build this week. Why? Because they both just read and work better in-game. Trust me on this one! This also means that I can get two game updates out this month, which is always neat. Expect this little mini update by the end of the week or so. If you're lucky, it might even have a new surprise in it, too! What does that mean? Well, find out soon. Maybe.

For now? Poll! If you don't know how this works, then every month I throw up a (curated) list of characters for everyone to vote on. The character that wins the poll will receive a brand new ending. This month, we'll also be doing a vore type/situation/whatever poll. We won't be polling the game, though - this month we're just straight up doing A Tiny Furry In A Huge World. Next month I'll probably poll between the two games, though.

I am going to be posting the bonus ending polls relatively quickly this month (maybe 48 hours between them, 72 tops) because I want to give myself time to actually get the new ending wrote this month. So... closing this one Thursday the 10th of March! (or, in 2 days)

On the poll - as well as the characters - is a MYSTERY OPTION. If the MYSTERY OPTION wins then MYSTERIOUS THINGS are going to happen. To give you a bit of MYSTERIOUS INFORMATION whilst still maintaining the MYSTERY...  voting for this option will lead to oral vore with a character that you've never ever seen before. Yes, MYSTERY OPTION is guaranteed oral vore, which means that I won't be polling vore type if it's to win, but... something else. What something else? Well, that's part of the mystery...

I should have some story and game content for everyone this week. At least one commission (if not two) as well as Hannelore's peaceful ending and Aimee's ... well, you'll see. I will also be attempting to bug test Macroville's 'mobile' version tonight, so... hopefully we'll see that soon too!

Happy voting!


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