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I've kind of done one of these at the beginning of the month before but I'm going to make it an official monthly thing going forward. First, because it helps me set goals, and second, because it's a good way of keeping everything transparent and setting everyone's expectations for the month ahead.

To keep the explanation of this short and simple, this 'check in' thing is something that I'm going to be doing at the beginningish of every month in order to lay out my plans for said stuff! It's kinda like a progress report, I guess, or a plan for the month.


I am working on four commissions this month. I aim to have at least three of them out before the end of the month, if not all four. Here's the list (not in any particular order I'm working on these concurrently, so not sure when they will be complete. expect one roughly every week or so, though. also these are working titles lmao):

Final Fantasy Behemoth Vore (7000 words, OV, sex stuff)
Giant Cats On Cat Planet Part The Third (10,000+ words, OV, AV, UB)
Another Norm Horseman story (10,000+ words, OV, sex stuff)
Being Human Chapter 5 (10,000+ words, UB)

I am aiming to have all four of these out but it's like, almost 40,000 words of story so I'm going to be realistic on myself just a bit and say it's more likely that we'll see three this month and one around the beginning of April. If I was just working on these then it wouldn't be a problem, but there's also...

Tiny Furry In A Huge World v1.3

Tiny Furry In A Huge World is getting a really big update this month. This was previewed all the way back in January but this month I will be putting the finishing touches on it and (hopefully) getting it fully released. There is a lot of work to be done but fortunately I am on track to do it all (as of now) but even so the release of this is going to be all the way at the back of the month on March 31st (hopefully in the afternoon rather than the dead of night, but, we'll see!)

There has already been a bunch of content added to v1.3 already. Check the preview out if you want to see it - it has handy shortcuts to the new endings already implemented - but here is the big stuff that has yet to be added.

Big Commissioned Rachel Content Completion (the bulk of the content - will be a biiiig branching story thing with a few different endings)
Brand New Polled Aimee Ending
(will be available in plaintext before the end of the week)
Hannelore Peaceful Ending (i haven't forgotten)
New Ending To Be Polled This Month (likely after the weekend. unlike last month, vore type will also be polled)
A couple more quality of life features, possibly (you'll see)

Other Things

Macroville will be playable on mobile phones at some point this month also. I'll be uploading it to textadventures.co.uk via a private link that only Patreon people will be able to access (at least, until April sometime when it's released publicly)

Some point could be tomorrow or, like, maybe next week. The issue with doing this is that Quest as a program and Quest as a web client function on completely different levels because it's garbage, basically. This means that uploading Macroville to the website is not just a simple case of 'upload it and it's done'. Well, I mean, it might be, but the game also relies heavily on timer events and web Quest absolutely hates those so I am anticipating it being buggy as shit. We'll see!

In the background I will be working on Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest a little to prepare it (and myself) for what I am calling the final onslaught. From April onward I am going to be working on it until it's done, complete, and ready for public release, basically. This is a process that could take anywhere between two to four months, depending on how quickly I get shit done and how much shit I can get done before the end of the month here. There is a lot of stuff that needs to be done - hence, onslaught

There will, of course, be monthly progress previews uploaded at the end of every month. And the polls will continue, so, Tiny Furry In A Huge World should still be getting (some) content during said final onslaught also.

Mental Health Check

I am doing much better this month than I was last month. My pace going into the beginning of the month has been great and I feel like I will be able to accomplish everything that I have laid out in front of me. There is a lot of work and it will be tough, but that's good! I like it being tough, it's motivating and helps me keep my head on straight.

I don't really talk about how I unwind ever, but I felt like putting another paragraph here. Unwinding is important to mental health so, hey, here's how I've been unwinding this month. I have been taking breaks by playing Elden Ring a bit here and there. It is a cool and fun game. Souls games have never really been my thing before but this one does more things that I like than things that annoy me so far. It also has some pretty hot dragons in it so that's nice. None of them can eat you so far, though, so that's sad.

I think that's about it for this check in. I hope you all had a lovely week and are looking forward to the weekend! This weekend I will have the new Aimee ending available in plaintext and also, probably, one of those stories that I was talking about.



Dang, another entry in the novel series! I'm also anticipating the behemoth story. Glad to hear you're doing well this month.


Definitely looking forward to more Norm Horseman, in addition to everything else on the horizon!