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About 57,000 women serve in our army. This is 22% of our entire army. I dedicate this drawing to them.

Missiles again rained down on our city, but the military reported that the missiles were destroyed in the air by air defense systems. Some citizens heard explosions, I did not hear them.

The Russians are trying to destroy the railway junctions to restrict the movement of goods and weapons coming from the west. Missiles continue to regularly arrive in peaceful cities.

In general, the news is much better. The super-scale Russian attack has stalled. Our army is getting stronger every day. Fighting is taking place along the entire front line in eastern Ukraine. A very difficult and terrible situation in Mariupol. Our soldiers have been surrounded for 2 months, but they continue to fight and do not give up.

Russian holiday on May 9 is coming soon. Day of victory over the Nazis. Everyone expects new meanness and provocations from the Russians. It is not yet known what it will be. Putin can declare war, he can declare victory, he is crazy. But he definitely needs new meat, so he will conduct a new mobilization.

In the photo: 1 A university teacher conducts an online lesson. 2 The tank turret broke through the asphalt. (in general, when the ammunition explodes inside the tank, the towers come off and take off very high. I saw a video of a tank tower taking off over a 5-story building and falling on its roof). 3 Destroyed cruise missile. 4 Consequences of shelling.
5 Infernal assassin in top armor (Our secret weapon).



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