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Another month is over. He was tense too. But it still does not go to any comparison with the tension in those regions where the fighting is going on. A migrant from the Kharkiv region lives next to us. Every day he calls his remaining friends and asks: - Is my house still intact? A couple of times a week he goes to church and prays for the war to end. I see pain and hope in his eyes at the same time.

In our city in recent days it has become calmer. Spring has come, the gardens are blooming and it's hard to believe that a war is going on somewhere nearby. Psychologically, war is very depressing. It is difficult to rejoice at something, all the time, as if something is squeezing the heart. But we all believe in victory. Our spirit is not broken.

Europe sends us a lot of weapons. Now heavy precision weapons, tanks and artillery. The US approved Lend-Lease. This is an incredible help that gives us the opportunity to defeat the most powerful enemy and expel him from our land. Our soldiers are fighting heroically. Today came the news that the number of destroyed Russian tanks exceeded 1000 units (for all time).

I am very interested in experimenting with AI. I already wrote about it. It's not a perfect tool yet, but I can imagine what it will be like in 10 years. For now, I work with what I have.

I hope you enjoy my new work. I also hope that next month I will be able to please you with more works.

Many thanks to everyone for your attention! I feel your support. I see that my work is liked by people and important to someone. That my efforts are not in vain. Thank you!

In the photo: Kharkov Academy of Public Administration. Smoke from yesterday's rocket explosion in Kyiv. A children's toy that a girl from Mariupol presented to a soldier who defended her city. The soldier took this photo because he learned about the girl's death. Her house was destroyed by bombing.



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