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Today I woke up from an explosion. An explosion is heard somewhere in the distance. But strong enough to wake up. A few minutes later we woke the children and went down to the basement. There were no more explosions, and in about an hour the danger was over. It turned out that 2 rockets hit neighboring cities, which are located about 30 km from our city. Apparently the explosion was so strong that it can be heard even at such a distance. The Russians attacked the railway facilities, most likely to destroy the military aid that comes to us from other countries.

A very sad story happened in Odessa before Easter. The young father went to the store for bread and at that moment a rocket flew into his apartment. His wife, 3-month-old daughter and grandmother died. It was a residential area, there were no military installations there. The Russians deliberately attack residential areas to sow fear and panic.

Right now I'm hearing an air raid alert. It's time for the basement.

I am distracted by studying a new artificial intelligence neural network that generates all sorts of strange “pictures”.

This is a new step in helping artists who are looking for interesting ideas and concepts. The neural network analyzes my request, finds something similar on the Internet, then creates something like a fog with spots, after which it starts to detail these spots. It turns out amazing crap :). After that, I combine these elements into a meaningful picture.

It's interesting and very exciting. I remember psychologists from films who were interested in: - What do you see in this picture :).

I'll show you my experiments. What happened to me and what the network gives out.

In the photo: Mariupol. Consequences of the war in different cities. A few shots from the life of the famous Jack Russell Terrier named Patron.

Thanks for your support!



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