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March 23.

We are well. There were a couple of days when we hid for a very long time due to air raids. But so far, everything is calm in our city.

Our air defense shot down Russian Eskander missiles several times.

Our family has several relatives who live in Russia. We called up and talked with them several times. They worry about us, they say that they do not believe in propaganda and do not watch TV. However, they think that everything is fine in their country, sanctions do not frighten them, police brutality, violation of human rights and freedoms, lack of freedom of speech, they do not like all this, but they are ready to put up with it. . . . . . . . .

At the end of the conversation, they said the following phrase: - as soon as the corridors from Ukraine to Russia open, they will immediately come to us. We will meet you and find you accommodation.

They don't understand us. We have different views on life and the world.

Probably, in North Korea, too, they are satisfied with their lives. They understand that somewhere far away people live differently, perhaps better, but they are not ready to fight for a good future for the people.

Only a few protest, the authorities easily defeat them. And the people as a whole absolutely obey the authorities, like slaves.

This awaits Russia as well.

There are many versions of the future. But I absolutely do not believe in the revolt of the people. Propaganda turned them into zombies.

Experts say that the FSB will most likely sabotage its territory in order to blame Ukraine for this. They did it with Chechnya. Then they blew up a multi-storey residential building. After that, they will announce a general mobilization to replenish the forces of their troops. Now it has become clear that they are not enough to capture our country.

I watch the news all the time.

Most upsetting is the death of children and civilians. I've heard a lot of horror stories. Psychologically difficult, they do not go out of my head. I can’t even imagine how hard it is for people who have experienced it for themselves. For example, a child saw a tank fire at a car with his parents. It's a lifelong trauma.

Why is this happening?

Hope this ends soon.

(on the photo: shopping center in Kyiv, a funnel from an expander rocket in my region)

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!



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