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March 19

We are fine. There were no air raid alerts during the night. I managed to sleep well. It was sunny all day, and the whole family went to work in the garden, cut and dig trees. It was a good day. Physical labor distracts from bad thoughts and from war.

At the forefront without much change. The enemy is stopped. The Russians cannot advance further. They continue to shoot at the civilian population in order to intimidate.

Fights go on constantly. Our troops are on the defensive, but they make short offensive actions that cause great damage to the enemy.

Very annoying Russian propaganda. Now they are spreading a fake on their television that there are American laboratories in Ukraine that are developing biological weapons against the Russians. Some birds that will carry diseases to Russia. WHAT? Really? I don't understand how people can believe this.

Finished a sad drawing - the separation of the family. I want to make the next one more active and inspiring to fight.




You know, We were talking yesterday with friends about russion propaganda. I think , let’s say, west world is unable to understand putin’s actions becouse of lack of knowneldge of russian history. Ukraine, Polland and other countries like Slowakia or Lithuania were part of the eastern soviet sysytem. We all had a lot of historical issues, so We have some „experience” with soviet way of thinking. I think all russian authorities are trained in a GRU or KGB way and they are unabled to think in a democrative way. They have their brains wiped out so much. This is no excuse of course it is just a try to forseen What they could have in their minds to find the hardest way to stop them without make a global war.


Absolutely agree. To explain the process of thinking of a Russian person, it will be necessary to write many books. Everything is very much connected with history. A very complicated story with dictators, wars and communism. A government that treats people like slaves. All this has shaped the current Russian mentality.