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The Sarah Jane Adventures 1x8 “Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? Part 1” FULL REACTION

  • Masterpiece 😍(9-10) 5
  • Loved It 🥰(7-8) 1
  • Liked It 😄(5-6) 0
  • Just Ok 😩(3-4) 0
  • Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2) 0
  • 2023-10-08
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'The Sarah Jane Adventures 1x8 “Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? Part 1” FULL REACTION ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Masterpiece 😍(9-10)', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Loved It 🥰(7-8)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Liked It 😄(5-6)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Just Ok 😩(3-4)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 8, 20, 53, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}


Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/stj7dq

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BsWjA7nZ0xcufixSFhIVl9f42tvbtuyq/view?usp=drivesdk



Ah! I've been looking forward to seeing you react to this story for a long time. Glad you enjoyed it! This is definitely one of the strongest Sarah Jane stories. Easily the best story for Series 1 of SJA. The whole scenario of Sarah Jane being taken out of time and forgotten is fascinating. Maria being the only one to remember her is very compelling but also intense because Maria has to figure things out on her own while also struggling with the fact that nobody is listening to her to the point where she's now perceived or thought as being crazy by everyone including her own father lol. This episode has a very Twilight and Wonderful Life vibe as you mentioned. Maria's definitely the star of this episode. Yasmin Paige's acting is brilliant in this episode. Think she was 15/16 when this was filmed. Such a good young actress. I love how Maria kept pushing to find out the truth even during moments where she looked crazy and almost doubted herself especially during the library scene where she eventually worked the situation out and then Alan suggested that she a doctor. But she also did a good job in reversing the damage by pretending that she wanted attention to avoid looking like a mad person. It would be such a surreal experience to deal with especially as a kid. And I absolutely love the moment where she confronts Andrea about the truth only for Andrea to snap and send her away but Maria still gets the last words with those threats towards Andrea before she walks out and slams the door. That's such a good scene. The Trickster is also a really sinister villain. Both design wise and appearance wise, he looks effectively creepy with that empty faceless image and embodiment of himself. I always found it sinister with how he walked on the street and simply took Sarah Jane and Luke out of their timeline. We never got to see the Verron Soothsayer onscreen (the alien who gave Sarah Jane the puzzlebox) but it's worth mentioning that he also gave Sarah Jane another gift which was a warp star if you remember or think back The Doctor Who Series 4 finale (Journey's End) where all of the 10th Doctor's companions, Sarah Jane and Torchwood came together. Sarah Jane gave Captain Jack the warp star and told him it was a gift from the Verron Soothsayer who told her that it should be used for the end of days. The warp star was a carbonised explosion which allowed Jack, Sarah Jane, Mickey and Jackie to use it as a threat towards the Daleks back when they threatened to destroy reality in that finale episode while they were holding The Doctor and Rose as prisoners, so it seems like the Verron Soothsayer could predict or see what would happen in the future prior to these episodes and events. I'm about to watch your reaction to Part 2 now and there's a lot more I have to say about that one. I'm glad you enjoyed this. :D