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Connie Kay

Yep Jeremy still sees dead people. He was the only one that saw Bonnie the whole time.


When katherine jumped into elena's body that really pissed me off


I remember at the time when this ep aired I was soo scared they were actually letting Katherine die, so the twist at the end was a relief for me LOL. I also noticed something that I hadn’t ever noticed: before Katherine gave Nadia the speech, she looked at Damon and saw that he was waking up. Meaning she was pretending to refuse the traveller idea so Damon wouldn’t suspect them. The reason that all those characters showed up is bc it was the 100th episode, so they wanted to make it extra special. I don’t even care that the klaroline scene was fan service, I ate it UP. But I knew you weren’t gonna like it lol.


Caroline to Elena: "The world around you may not be as dangerous as the guy you let in your bed". You don't say Caroline 😒 That's why I couldn't stand her giving Elena crap for being with Damon. I think she was projecting some feelings for Klaus on Delena's relationship.

Connie Kay

Me too. The first thing I thought was she is going to destroy Damon. 😭 Because she is crazy about Stefan.


I know you hate it but omg yes to caroline and klaus! finally!


I don't think Caroline's situation is the same as Elena's. Caroline never defended Klaus, she never accepted the bad things Klaus has done, never tried to justify them with something like ''I know you guys don't like him, but I'm happy with him. He's different around me. Don't judge him.'', she never forgot who Klaus truly is. Caroline didn't choose a relationship with Klaus this episode. She didn't choose to be with this person in spite of everything. She just chose to use him for sex (hence her comments on being the only person who's not having scandalous sex). She made it clear that whatever connection they might have, Klaus is not someone she would want in her future. That's very different than Elena and Damon. And as far as sleeping with Klaus goes, it's sudden, I agree. It came out of nowhere. But I'm not sure if Caroline is exactly a hypocrite. She told Elena "I'm FINE with you and Damon being together AS LONG AS you can acknowledge the kind of person you are together with". Elena can't acknowledge that, but Caroline can acknowledge it about Klaus. She never thought Klaus was anything different, or anything better than a villain. She never tried to delude herself into thinking otherwise.

Connie Kay

Elena is not deluding herself. It is not like anyone on the show is innocent as the driven snow. Stefan, Klaus, Damon etc..have all murdered people. For some reason everyone let's Stefan off the hook and acts like Damon is pure evil.

Chris Hanley

I'm all for shipping couples, but I don't understand the particular hype around Klaus and Caroline. But oh well, claroline fans got thrown a bone and it was mercfully brief so can't really complain. Candice is stunning, she could have chemestry with a brick wall she's that likable


5x11 is an episode sets, that's why so many actors from previous seasons appeared. I don't care that Stefan was the one who persuaded Delena to be together, because I was too happy, which means: that Stefan finally "moved on", that his brother's relationship with his ex had finally stopped hurting him. Stefan deserves the best, he definitely doesn't deserve to be part of that triangle again. Caroline - no comment xD i hated (and still hate) Klaroline so...


Rewatching this, I also didn't enjoy Damon's reaction to Katherine dying. Especially blaming her for everything he's done, like Vicki. It always seemed a bit out of character for him. When did he go from owning up to his bad actions last episode, or even back in season one when he told Stefan ''My actions belong to me. I own them. You're not allowed to feel my guilt'', or telling Elena in 2x22 '''Nobody forced me to love Katherine. It was my own choice'', to this episode, where he just blames everything on her.


Katherine repeatedly being blamed for not sitting quietly and letting Klaus sacrifice her when she was human is really strange, but it has been a consistent narrative ever since season 2. All of Klaus's victims from when he hunted her are always put on Katherine, because she dared to not go along with dying.

Connie Kay

She literally made them him think she loved him snd was stuck in a tomb suffering for 145 years while he desperately tried to rescue her. Then she comes to town and tells him she never loved him. That is enough for him to hate tf out of her imo. It is why I hate her to this day. He was just venting. They all were. Except for St. Stefan of course.


You're so right, I never even thought about that. But I think in this situation he had some serious pent up frustration from the break-up, so he was desperately trying to find someone to blame, a-la Damon fashion.


The scene where Stefan rewrites the memory Katherine had of her family being murdered was so beautiful. Even though she’s done terrible things, he was willing to forgive her because she was dying. It’s something a lot of humans do. It really sucks that she ruined it by jumping into Elena, that would’ve been a lovely send off for her character. I also felt annoyed by Stefan encouraging Damon and Elena. Damon did a good thing by letting her go. He is a bad person and is holding himself accountable. Pushing him to get back with Elena within a day doesn’t give him the chance to work on himself first. Just because someone is the best thing in your life doesn’t mean you are the best thing in theirs. I agree with what the others said about Katherine and Damon. I hate when writers do things like this. Pushing all the blame onto Katherine so Damon can write off all the bad things he’s done and get back with Elena. It’s no coincidence Stefan was encouraging him to get back with her at the end of the episode too :/

Connie Kay

I certainly dread the next few episodes. I can hear the hypocrisy now.

Mara Smith

😂😂😂 I knew you wouldn’t be a fan of that scene between care and klaus. I think when I first watched the show I shipped them because it was the typical bad guy is “good” to the good girl. That whole mind set. It took me a long time to realize that my first impression of them as an item was defiantly flawed. I love you’re reactions because it was so much different then how I viewed it. I like watching how u react because it’s like I’m watching the show from a different POV and it’s enjoyable. So thank you 🙏 I honestly 159% can’t wait for the finale. I’m very interested to see your feelings and opinions on it. 😮😊 have a good day!

Chris Hanley

Stefan is supportive of Damon because he loves his brother more than he loves Elena. It not about Damon being bad for Elena anymore, it's about Elena being good for Damon. He cares about his brothers happiness, and he understands that Elena is the key to his happiness and redemption. I don't ship the pair, never have but I respect the integrity and selflessness of Stefan.

Connie Kay

I respect that Stefan did this too. He won me over a lot this season. I love the brothers relationship growth #Defan

Connie Kay

You ever thought of having a Vampire Diaries week?. I am anxious to get the next few out of the way.


Yeah, I hate almost all following episodes


So true about Candice. I swear, Candice, as well as Kat Graham, just need to give somebody a GLANCE and suddenly there is chemistry. They're both amazing when it comes to that sort of thing.


Damon and Matt blaming Katherine for him killing Vicki made absolutely no sense. This episode only made me hate Damon more than I already did.

Connie Kay

Hate the writers not Damon. As good as they have been til now. They ass up a lot this season. I just say they were blowing off steam. Damon had broken up with Elena. Matt is the one that said it anyway. I don’t know why people would not understand why he would hate Katherine tho. She has been worse to him than anyone and all he did was love the bitch for 145 years. Damon 99.9 percent of the time takes blame for stuff he does and even stuff he doesn’t do so give him a break.


I hate the writers and I hate Damon. This episode is not why I hate Damon. It only made me hate him more. I will never give him a break as I believe he is the most awful character in the history of television.

Connie Kay

I got news for ya tho. If there was no Damon on this show we would not be still talking about it today and that is a fact.


That's fine. I never said he wasn't a good or important character. Of course he's necessary for the show but that doesn't make me despise him any less. He's terrible and the fans treat him like a good person and he is some poor victim but he just isn't.

Connie Kay

That sounds like the Stefan fans more than the Damon ones. They are the ones that treat Stefan like he is a poor victim.


Well I haven't seen that. Besides, I'm not a Stefan stan. I like him but my favorites are Caroline, Bonnie, and Katherine.

Connie Kay

So why Katherine? She is a stone cold killer? How do you love her and hate Damon? She is so much worse. She has zero remorse, zero accountability? Everything is all about her and what is good for her. At least Damon LOVES people with his whole heart when he loves. Katherine doesn’t really give a crap about anyone.


A huge part of my issue with Damon is how he treated women in the show like Caroline and Andie. He abused Caroline so horribly and he was a sexual predator to both. Another thing is, I don't make excuses for Katherine. She has done horrible things , some for survival and some out of hatred. But she doesn't try to be the good guy. She doesn't pity herself and she doesn't try to justify her actions. Damon makes progress tgen when something doesn't go his way, he reverts back to the same awful Damon. I can't respect that. The show tries to pass him off as a good guy. Katherine is not meant to be a good guy. But even without that, I will never be over the way he abused and assaulted Caroline in season 1.

Connie Kay

When the show first started he was without his humanity or on dimmer as he told Alaric. Now with Andie they were starting to be very real. She knew everything and by the time Stefan killed her she was not being compelled by Damon at all. She wanted to be there with him. He is a vampire so nobody is saying he is the good guy at all. God knows nobody on the show tells him anything other than he is bad and a monster.


His emotions were not off. Even if they were or they were dimmed as you say, sexual assault is sexual assault. With Caroline and with Andie. It does not matter to me that they started to become real.

Connie Kay

He told Rick that his emotions were off and that is why he was so much fun. He told Jeremy he had his emotions off for a very long time and things were easier. He told Elena he was just starting to feel again when Lexi came there and he had a rush of guilt and did something he couldn't take back so yes he had his humanity off at beginning.


But like I said, that doesn't excuse sexual assault. Being without emotion doesn't mean you get a free pass to do whatever you want.

Connie Kay

You pretty much are not yourself with your emotions off. Elena snapped a waitresses neck. She would not have done that without her emotions off so it does give a reason. I also think he abused Caroline, bit her, treated her badly but she did sleep with him on her own. I dont think he sexually assaulted her. He didn't compel her to do that. But yah I kinda think you are not yourself with no humanity and they all did awful things like rip heads off with emotions off.

Connie Kay

You will get to hate on him plenty in the next few episodes. So have fun with that.


Thank you. But I hate on him every episode not just the next ones. I will have fun tho

Jay Stone

If you don't like Damon you should of never watched the show. I could never watch a show if I hate the lead of the show.

Jay Stone

I've never seen any other reactors hate on Damon or Klaus. Their are alot of Reactors popping up lately for the show. It's hard to watch Otherboy constantly complain about Damon or Klaus non-stopping it's quite annoying. I'm taking a break from him. I'll check on him after Season 6 and see if he changed his tune.


That's your problem not mine. First, how would I know I hate him if I didn't watch the show? Second, he is one of the main characters but he is not the only character so he doesn't make or break the show for me. Third, You have no authority to tell me what I should or should not watch. Damon stans need to get a grip on reality. These are fictional characters. Nobody has to like them just because you do, especially when there are very valid reasons to dislike him.


I know I'm 7 months late and you're already past this point, but I have to say, the whole Niklaus and Caroline thing is complete fanservice, it's ridiculous and infuriating. Stefan basically encouraging Damon to get back with Elena is the Writer's way of saying, "Hey look, Stefan wants it - why don't you?????" The Writers being annoying again, having Stefan say some dumb s***, like, stop gaslighting me and write the f****** Story lol omg....