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C. Alexander

I find it very interesting how witches work on this show. I think or I understand so far that witches around the world practice magic differently, here the witches of New Orleans belong to a coven or a community, and Bonnie is different she has been channeling her bloodline and has been practicing expression and another way of magic, she doesn't seem to gain her magic from the way the witches in New Orleans gain it. I still don't understand it, I am watching it along with you.

C. Alexander

And I find it interesting as well, that Klaus said he was sorry to Marcel, I don't remember if he has done that with anyone else. He gave that advice to Hayle that she shouldn't do what he did and she should just apologize, so now I am just wondering if he has ever said he is sorry to Elijah or to anyone else?


I'm not 100% sure what happened with Esthers power but I think it came to Sophie but Celeste knew what was going to happen so she did something else there. It is not Sabine it is Celeste in Sabines Body for a year now .. I think you said something with what Sabine did ? When Sophie wanted Celestes power she would not have become her. So Celeste must have done something to overtake Sabines body not just take the power otherwise now she would become Esther. Yeah the New Orleans witches draw from the elders/ancestors burried on the cementary in New Orleans. With the chance of it fading away. Bonnie and the other witches we see in TVD don't have this, they have their own magic, can draw from the bloodline (like Esther did) and can channel power put are not in need the burried ancestors. So in this universe we now know 5 types of magic now. The traditional one that most of the witches we saw in TVD used, it is inherend from the Earth and nature itself (Natures servant) The Bennets, Martins and also Esther and others we have seen in TVD so far use this type of magic, it is also "limited". We see witches get nosebleeds or simmilar things when they do to much. They wanna keep a balance in nature. Than we got to know the Dark Magic it is mostly used against the balance in nature. Next we got the expression which many witches discredit it as magic, for it expands beyond the limitations of both ancient and modern witchcraft. Than we know the traveler magic which is used by the travelers and has a different language than the other types we know. And here we have the Ancestral Magic which, as the name says, draws from the ancestors consecrated on New Orleans soil


Yeah I didn’t think Sophie would become Celeste I thought she would become an elder. But she said someone had already consecrated Celeste’s bones and taken the power already. So I figured Celeste took over Sabine already and she was now the only elder. Meaning any power that the Mikaelsons channeled from Ester would go to the next elder which is Celeste/Sabine not Sophie. That’s what I thought at least. But I guess Celeste only got Davina’s power at the end when she was glowing.


Klaus was surprisingly stable this episode. No childish outbursts like in the previous episodes lmao. I really like Marcel and Klaus’ relationship. The father/son dynamic mirrors the father/daughter dynamic with Marcel and Davina. Even though Marcel and Klaus have both hurt their ‘kids’ they still love them. Marcels love being more unconditional and open than Klaus’. I really liked the ending scene with Elijah and Hayley. I loved when Elijah was saying how much Celeste means to him and Hayley said “don’t you mean how much she meant to”, Elijah said no. Love is eternal for Elijah never leaves him and I really admire that. It doesn’t matter how long ago, once he cares for someone deeply it doesn’t just leave. That is so beautiful. I don’t see it as choosing the dead over the living like Hayley. I see it as preserving and respecting what once was. Now that I’ve written all this I really see how love was a big theme this episode.


Yeah I like that about Elijah too. I also feel like Hayley lives in the now and can’t understand why Elijah is so upset because she has probably never known love the way he has. Maybe she’s never known love at all especially since she’s never known her biological parents and her adoptive parents kicked her out. She’s gotten used to running away and moving on quickly so she feels like Elijah should just get over it. I understand him though. I don’t want him to get over it, I just want him to get past it so I can see he and Hayley together 😂