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Andrea Dcosta

Omg I can’t wait to see all these. You made my day 🤩 love ya :)


Thanks for all these!! This premier is sooo good, but this season is one of my least favs (you’ll see why later💀) The dark magic is so interesting tho- grams warned Bonnie and yet she used it again. Damon threatening Matt like that is another reason why I still don’t like him. Elena wouldn’t be able to live with herself if Matt drowned that night, and he just can’t see that.


Daaamn, that binge! Awesome!!! :)

C. Alexander

I have to say Joseph Morgan is a great actor, he does an amazing job with Klaus, everytime he screams i dont know why it gives me chills 😂 . And Rebecca too Claire Holt is a great actress, it does break my heart when she cries, she does it so well. I guess thats why the Originals show is great too, even if i have just watched like few episodes and in all random order, their acting is on point.


This definitely is the best season of the entire show! The mythology and plot twists are just insane


This is my favorite season of the show. THE PLOT, different storylines, the twist's!! Ugh love to see it❤️. Once again I HATE how Klaus treats Rebekah. Thats a non-starter for me. If you disrespect Rebekah then you're trash, and as much as I love him, that includes Klaus. It goes beyond just being trash, I mean that was abusive, that was sick. If she would've killed him right then I would've understood. That's what keeps Klaus from being my favorite Original. The way he treats his siblings, especially Rebekah is disgusting. We can psychoanalyze his behavior, and why he's lonely, and why he pushes people away all we want; but the fact of the matter is that was absolutely aborhent, triflin ass behavior 😂🤷🏾‍♀️ GARBAGE. And I will come for him everytime he hurts Rebekah. Ugh breaks my heart. Anyway rant over. Glad you enjoyed the episode, and thanks for the binge. See ya next time 🤗


I love this season so excited for your reaction ❤️


So what Bonnie did last season was the same thing that happened to Alaric when Klaus was in his body in season 2 Bonnie and Tyler and Klaus worked together to put Klaus in Tyler’s body to save the rest and when Ric is dealt with Klaus would go back to his body.


This is probably the best season premiere episode aside from season 2,that cellar scene where Elena and Stefan are discussing her choice breaks me every time- it's just the way they try to comfort another despite suffering so much. I also love your love for Matt, a lot of the past reactors and the fandom tend to overlook the abuse he suffers through this episode just because he's not their favorite character. The same thing happened with Caroline throughout all of season 1 because no one liked bratty human Caroline so they ignored the way Damon mistreated her- and come to think of it...he also treated Vicki that way as well but no one minded since they found her aggravating. Matt isn't the most compelling character on this show and it doesn't help that he's one of the few humans in the group but that doesn't mean he deserves to have his guilt over Elena's death be hung over his head or to be treated like a punching bag by Damon when he's in a bad mood. Loved your reaction and your a good sport for sitting through four emotionally traumatizing episodes- even if they were addictive as hell.

Andrea Dcosta

Amazing season opener. I love Damon as a character as the seasons go on etc. But this episode he gets on my nerves Matt didn’t deserve to be treated that way at all I felt so bad for him. I think Damon also blames him for the fact that he drove Elena in the car and was taking her out of town but still blaming him/ beating him was reckless and didn’t make sense to me at all. I like Matt as a character too so I felt so bad for him he didn’t deserve that. I felt bad for Bonnie too she’s just trying to protect her friends which she always does and she has to always pay a price for it and I hate that they don’t give her much attention in the show it’s like they only bring her to help others, she’s left out from most parties etc it’s just not fair. But I like this season it’s fun and has a lot of twists and mythology involved. Can’t wait for the next episode it’s one of my favourite episodes and once again thank u for all these reactions today. You made our day🤗


The best thing about this season is that it sets the plot straight from the 1st episode...the 12 people blowing is basically what you need to remember, it just sets up the plot beautifully


There's more to how Damon is feeling right now. His best friend died in his arms while the girl he loved died at the same time, and his best friend's death was how he knew she died. He couldn't save either of them and he lost 2 people. On top of that, Matt was driving, he swerved to miss Rebekah. Damon tried to kill Rebekah for her part. Matt didn't need to avoid Rebekah as she's an original. What would it have done to her? Messed her hair up? Ruined her clothes? Broken a nail? Matt can be a gentleman, but he nearly died and Elena did die because he swerved to avoid someone who wouldn't get hurt. He's angry with Stefan because his brother could've made more of an effort to save Elena. All he had to do was undo Matt's seatbelt to get him out, why couldn't he have done the same for Elena and let her swim or her hold his leg? It's like there was enough room for Jack on that piece of wood in Titanic, this is to me, almost the same thing. Damon also blames Elena for giving Stefan an impossible choice. He knows his brother wouldn't refuse her, so she has to shoulder some of the blame for what happened. I'm not justifying Damon's behaviour towards Matt. Damon is out of order. Yes he is acting out in grief, but that is not good enough. On the plus side, he is helping Matt deal with his issues and guilt. Damon punishing him, seems to be what Matt is crying out for. Hopefully it should help prevent PTSD and survivors guilt in Matt. There is another aspect of Damon's actions, he is only alive because Elena died. She didn't know at the time, but had Stefan saved Elena and not Matt, Damon would have been dead and it would have made Elena and Stefan's life together easier. I think Damon feels guilty because of that, although he'll never admit to it. Elena's words clearly suggest she wanted to die. Elena said Stefan was the one who helped her figure out how to live, but I look at her actions over the first 3 seasons and she seems to jump at every possibility of dying. There is no way someone gets over all of the family death Elena has had in the last 18 months. Elena has been suffering from survivors guilt and PTSD throughout the entire show. Her dying the same way she did when her parents drove off the bridge would have ended her pain and suffering and she'd have found peace. Instead, now she is a vampire. The one thing which annoys me about Stefan in this episode is getting up Elena's hope for a door number three. After a thousand years, if that option was available, wouldn't it be known in the witch community? Elena isn't the only person who didn't want to become a vampire, it applies to the majority of people who innocently end up becoming vampires. Why should the spirits suddenly change the rules for Elena? She's not that special. If anything, they've got more of a reason not to, as her being a vampire means Klaus can't make hybrids. Of course the spirits wouldn't help. Stefan was deluded if he thought they might, and it put Bonnie's life at risk. Seriously, Bonnie gets an awful deal in this show. She sacrifices so much and gets nothing in return. She deserves better. The reason she did what she did with Klaus was to save everyone she loved. She did the same spell Klaus did on Alaric when he first arrived. Tyler appeared to be complicit with the idea. In fact, Tyler said to Caroline that he was going to call Bonnie in 3x22 when they were at the Lockwood house and planning to escape. I'm guessing this is when he and Bonnie devised the plan, as Klaus wasn't in on it. That is the first time it has occurred to me that Tyler might have been the one to suggest the idea of putting Klaus in his body. Pastor Young blowing up everyone on the council except Liz and Carol, sets up the entire season. Human Elena was going back to Stefan but she said to Damon she was only thinking about now, not always. She wasn't considering the future as she didn't know if they had one. Elena has always shied away from discussing her future with Stefan. I think she always expected their relationship to end when she wanted more, like marriage, kids, a dog etc...(Stefan and pets don't seem like a good combination to me). Now she is faced with being eternally 18, her circumstances have changed. She loves Stefan and chose Stefan. But that decision was made with the prospect of no future, even when she was in transition, there appeared to be no future for them. Only now she's become a vampire, everything is magnified, including her love for the brothers. However, in theory, the brother she loved the most as human, will be the same one she loves the most as a vampire. It will be interesting to see how it pans out. Thank you for reacting to four episodes. It has made my week. S4 is a strange season for me. Parts of it make up my favourite string of episodes of the entire show, and there is a part of it which is one of my least favourite sections of the entire show (although I do seem to be in a minority with that). I hope I haven't said anything too controversial this time. Great reactions, can't wait for the next one. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x

Jess The Fox

Woo!!! I just watched all three with you! I cannot wait for this season. 💕💕


Thank you for the binge! And also thank you for continuing to be staunchly against Damon/Delena and Klaus/Klaroline. You are certainly a rare, wonderful dissident in that regard. I will never understand how people can think those relationships are good ones, let alone ones to root for. Klaus sexually assaulted Caroline in this episode and would have raped her if she hadn't figured out he wasn't Tyler, yet people (including the show, if that music was anything to go by) find it romantic? To say nothing of all the other terrible things he's done. So gross. I also feel like Bonnie spelling Klaus into Tyler was to facilitate that scene/dynamic — why else would Caroline not be told or, more bizarrely, why else would Tyler agree to it in the first place? He went through hell to regain his free will from Klaus, he HATES him, and he knows Klaus has repeatedly crossed boundaries with Caroline. Why would he agree to have Klaus take over his body? Why couldn't Bonnie stick Klaus in some random person instead? It makes no sense. I also totally agree with you on the way Damon was treating Matt. For starters, Matt reacted on reflex swerving around Rebekah, likely didn't even have time to realize it was her in the first place and therefore wouldn't know that she wouldn't die if he hit her, AND had just learned that his best friend died so he wasn't entirely clear-headed. Anyone would have done the same. (The bigger question is why, after the accident that killed Elena's parents, Mystic Falls didn't put a metal guardrail around the bridge...) For Damon to hold it against Matt that Stefan saved him because ELENA ASKED HIM TO is out of line. Though par for the course for Damon — when has he ever respected what Elena wants when it goes against his own wishes? The analogy I like to give in this case is a loved one issuing a DNR order before going into surgery. You may disagree with their decision, you may want them to be resuscitated no matter what, but it's not your choice. It's theirs. That's what bodily autonomy is for. In this case, that's essentially exactly what Elena did. Like it or not, it's her life and her choice. But Damon puts his own wants over Elena's autonomy, as usual, and takes it out on everyone. (That all said...there's also no reason why Stefan, a vampire with super strength, couldn't have saved BOTH Elena and Matt at the same time. That's a bit hard to believe.) Anyway. Sorry for the rant, and thanks again!


I agree, Stefan totally could’ve saved both, but the writers wanted Elena to be a vampire which is fine with me because I’m excited to see what she’s like as something she didn’t want to be.


I find the originals very interesting and they brought a lot to the show but that doesn’t mean I should love them. I hate Klaus because he’s the villain and he’s doing bad things to my favorite characters, it’s very normal to hate him.


Bonnie is always the one who suffers the most in my opinion, her mother, her grandmother, a father subscribed to the absentee, no close family and her friends who make her sacrifice what little she has left, it's horrible. As for Damon, I have to say, who he is to decide that Elena's life is worth more than Matt's, it's like everyone is implying that Elena is better than Matt. That's wrong, Matt was never my favorite but he didn't cause as much pain as her, he deserves to live and see his dreams come true, to have a future. Now it's a new season, for me this one concludes a lot, it's full of twists and turns, can't wait to see the reactions.


I must say that this show discusses a lot of things but this show is mostly about humanity and redemption, the characters clearly all want to evolve and be good, even the villains are reminded that they will have nothing by being the bad guys, that no one will like them or help them on the show, or love them. So I think the point of the show is to take the characters from the beginning and evolve them, make them endure the worst as well as the best and see what comes out of it, if humanity is there and redemption is possible.